Why Do We Sleep-Talk?



My little cousin gave me the biggest heart attack of my life.
I woke up hearing her sleep talk and making a hell of a noise. It's not really the first time she has done that, in fact, she does give some facial expressions at times when I stay up all night studying.
I don't know what exactly she usually does in her dreams or sleep to make her smile that way.
This brings me to ponder on the things and reasons why we sleep talk or why we make certain expressions when we are sleeping.
Of course, we wouldn't really know on our own if we are actually doing that or not, it's only others that can tell us what we've been up to lol.

So guys, why do you think people smile when they are asleep or sleeping? Why do they sleep talk making noises at times?
Some people see it as a sign of stress, while others think it's a sign of unconscious communication in the other part of the world.
I really cannot tell which one is which or which one tells more about why we sleep talk and I haven't checked the net either to perhaps find out scientifically why that is so.
I just decided to share it with us here in case any of us have a little bit of an idea why such happens.
However, I hope my cousin doesn't scare the life out of me again with her sleep chats lol.
By the way, how has it been guys? It's been a really long while and I think I miss you all. I trust you all are doing very well.


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

              4 November 2021


Everyone in my family talks in their sleep. I think it's generic coz even my nephews do it too. I mean even when they were babies and they couldn't say actual words, they made the sounds they usually make while they're awake.

I think the explanation might also explain sleepwalking. I used to do that as a child. All you had to do was raise me and I'd walk from one bedroom to the next. It was creepy when my siblings told me.

Maybe it's genetic? I'll do a little research on it.


Lol. Walking from one end of the room to another can be really creepy though 😂😂
But I understand walking and hitting one's head when called out of bed maybe to ease one's self at night.
I will also research to know, just wanted to find out first here.


Oh, I would walk from one room to another. I was creeped out when they told me the next morning.


😂😂 I can imagine
