Find Your Niche ~ What Works For You


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It's Weekend! Let me hear the sound of rejoicing lol.
Well, it's a habit that on weekends I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to lay in my bed and enjoy my peace.
I usually feel weak, tired, and lazy doing anything, especially online activities.
But today was different. I woke up energized and I just couldn't wait to finish my chores and weekend routines and then jump right into this space to start my work lol.
But before then, I went ahead to check out one of my social media WhatsApp. Actually, one place I am easily seen or heard from as far as social media is concerned (just so you know, I am not a fan of Facebook and I don't even make it there for weeks, sometimes months).

So looking up my WhatsApp status today, I saw an update from one of my friends and this is what inspired this post.
She talked about cleaning up her room and opening old stuff that she bumped into her old assignment books. One of the updates was a photo of her chemistry assignment in which she scored everything in it but do you know the funny thing about the update? Like the caption she used? Permit me to show you


That's the screenshot of her caption or comment on the photo.
For those who don't understand some terms there; wetin means what while abeg means, please.
So to rephrase the whole sentence it is;

So I was cleaning my room this morning and I stumbled on my chemistry note. I am just laughing because heaven knows I don't understand this thing that I just scored all.
What took me to science class please?

That's a more definite way to put the sentence
I couldn't help but laugh about it and comment as well.
Why? Because what she posted was one of the simplest calculations ever as far as chemistry is concerned, and chemistry being one of the subjects I used to love, I know this was easy peasy for me.
But the fact that she couldn't even remember how she got those answers correct is what baffled me and made me laugh so hard, not at her but with her.
She is my friend and I understand that she doesn't like science but God knows why she even went to the science department in the first place lol.

Again she updated another post of how she failed another chemistry calculation. This one is a little complex and especially for someone that understands nothing about chemistry. So according to her, this was when she parked her loads and left science class(department) to art class (department).
She said that after the experience she knew that the science department or courses weren't for her.
She left to art after staying for a while in science but do you know what? She did very well in the art department even though she went there during her last school session or final year in high school.

Do you know what I liked about this? It is the fact that she didn't persist and stay in science even when she knew she wasn't coping or that she was struggling with it.
She rather left even after staying there for that long. You know some people would have stayed and at the end of the day, they realize they would have done much better as an art student but by then it would have been too late for them.

I used to hear that some students had the habit of following their friends to a particular department simply because they don't wanna be separated from each other or one another.
When you sacrifice your future to the detriment of friendship then you know what you are in for.
You are causing yourself more harm than good.

If you know nothing about Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and even mathematics please tell me, what exactly are you going to find in the science department? If you should be struggling with an area, it shouldn't be all areas. Of course, we all know that we can't know everything, and we can't be better at everything, it's just not possible, don't let anyone deceive you.
And if you know you aren't good with literature, government, history, and all those core art subjects can you please tell me what you are doing in the art department? My dear find your square root as we would say here lol.

This incident and memories reminded me of how many people are struggling in life today in the educational sector, business sector, economic sector, and every other sector you could think of simply because they didn't find their niche, where they belong, and what works for them.

Find Your Niche

What worked for Mr. Peters may not work for Mr. Adams
That the other person is doing very well in a particular business does not mean that if you also venture into that business that you will do well or excel like the other person.
Truth be told even if you gather all the information needed to start up the same business if it wasn't your niche, you will find yourself struggling in it.

Is It Okay To Try?

Of course, it is. It is very okay to try. If you find something you like or you think and feel you can do well with it, then give it a try.
You never know until you try.
And when talking about finding the right place you belong, for some it takes days, weeks, months and some even take years.
But at the end of it all, you should be able to find your niche and know what works for you and what doesn't.
So that you don't end up wasting your time, energy, and resources unnecessarily.

And most times, something happens to point you in the right direction and let you know that the place you are, is not or may not be for you.
Sometimes you will experience failures and setbacks.
This is also a pointer but sadly some people ignore this and go ahead forcing themselves to stay where they don't belong.

Mind you, my friend is a smart girl and she found her niche and migrated to where fitted her better.
Where she belongs and she did very well without having to bother herself with some chemical shits 😂 that she didn't even understand.

You should do the same and stop confusing your brain and your future. Find out what works for you and stick to it.
Find your niche, my friend, E get why ( in order words, there is a reason).

Did you miss something? Anything? I am sure you didn't but if you did, please head back over and be sure to pick out something from here.
All the same, thank you for stopping by, and of course, your comments are very much welcome.
Happy weekend guys!




Weekend allow me to Make time for family and friends. This is especially important for those who don't spend much time with their loved ones during the week.

Posted via


Seems you only read the first two lines of my post lol.
Or the first paragraph perhaps lol and it's okay though. Thanks for stopping by


Happy weekend @zellypearl. This is a serious matter in many circles, a lot of people's future has been spoilt as a result. One of the biggest blessings in life is in finding your path early in life and sticking to it.

As an aside, I'm knowing for the first time that you're science oriented.

Well done I'm on this.


Yes, and it can be very disheartening to waste one's year and time cycling around the wrong place or niche.

Well, I guess now you do.
Happy Weekend to you too


Happy weekend dearie.
You have said it all well. Sometimes we waste our energies into something that is not meant for us. At the end we are neither successful nor happy. We remain dissatisfied with ourself and are prone to find fault with us. It is always better to look for your niche and so your performance may go outstanding


Yes, Amber.
First, thank you for stopping by today.
And I can only say, that we are blessed to find our niche and our space earlier in life so we don't have to waste our energy, time, and resources in the wrong places.


oh, that is a very wise thing you said. indeed, we are fortunate and should thank God for this if find our niche earlier


hehehehe love it! :)

Your friend had me giggling - but how wonderful that she realized where she needed to be! This is SO important!!! Finding our own path and being brave to take those steps onto it is SO vital!!!

We need to stop allowing ourselves to be pigeon-holed into something that the world expects and start analyzing our passions and aligning ourselves with them

It would lead to much more fulfilled and happy lives if more people would do this!

Because when people are in the wrong place in life - it leads to resentment and bitter attitudes that spill out onto everyone around them. Often its envy! They see others enjoying life and instead of them seeking to follow in the footsteps of those who are courageous to do what they love.... they get angry that they're not also in that place

(when they can CHOOSE it themselves, but fail to do so - because of fear!)

what a vicious cycle! hehehe but - your friend broke that pattern! good for her!!! :)


Lol, I bet! She got me laughing and cracking up so hard too hehehe.

It would lead to much more fulfilled and happy lives if more people would do this!

I also think it would. But first, they have to break free and find what works for them.

what a vicious cycle! hehehe but - your friend broke that pattern! good for her!!! :)

I am so glad she did and now she is doing just fine.
Thank you Ma for your time.


Chemistry?? No, not my thing

It has always been Mathematics and Physics for me

It's just recently that I began to get acquainted with Chemistry because I had to teach another human all of three science subjects

Your friend did the right thing

Finding one's inclination doesn't just happen as you said, it takes time

But one needs to find out what that thing is by searching

Thank Goodness your friend found hers

Posted via


Chemistry?? No, not my thing
It has always been Mathematics and Physics for me

Lol. I know right?
I am also glad she found her space lol and yes it does take time
