Top 5 coffee curiosities that you might not know (ENG/ESP)


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Foto de Miles Burke en Unsplash y editada en photoshop

Todos sabemos lo delicioso que es el café, y muchos tenemos un amor a este producto, y por eso hoy quiero mostrarte 5 cosas que probablemente no sabías sobre el #cafe.

Tenía un tiempo sin publicar en esta gran comunidad de amantes del café, pero aquí retomo mi blog con este tema que tanto me gusta escribir, este será un post lleno de datos curiosos que muchos no conocían y espero que les guste y disfruten de esta lectura, pónganse cómodos, busquen su taza de café y prepárense para todo lo que viene.

We all know how delicious coffee is, and many of us have a love for this product, and that's why today I want to show you 5 things you probably didn't know about #coffee.

I had a while without posting in this great community of coffee lovers , but here I resume my blog with this topic that I love to write so much, this will be a post full of curious facts that many did not know and I hope you like it and enjoy this reading, get comfortable, get your cup of coffee and get ready for everything that is coming.

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Foto de Mike Kenneally en Unsplash

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Primeros escritos del café por un botánico

A pesar de que el café es una planta tropical, la primera mención que tuvo fue por parte del botánico Léonard Rauwolf en su libro de botánica y medicina, Léonard Rauwolf era un investigador que luego del regreso de un viaje a Oriente Medio decidió documentar y dejar plasmado todo lo que aprendió durante su viaje y así poder tener una buena guía de todas las distintas plantas que encontró y el uso de cada una

Y es acá donde se habla por primera vez sobre la planta del café que en ese entonces no se describía como "Café" y acá dejo una cita de su libro donde nos habla de esta planta

“Una bebida tan negra como la tinta, útil contra numerosos males, en particular los males de estómago. Sus consumidores lo toman por la mañana, con toda franqueza, en una copa de porcelana que pasa de uno a otro y de la que cada uno toma un vaso lleno. Está formada por agua y el fruto de un arbusto llamado bunnu.“

First writings on coffee by a botanist

Although coffee is a tropical plant, the first mention of it was by the botanist Léonard Rauwolf in his book on botany and medicine, Léonard Rauwolf was a researcher who after returning from a trip to the Middle East decided to document and record everything he learned during his trip in order to have a good guide of all the different plants he found and the use of each one.

And it is here where he talks for the first time about the coffee plant that at that time was not described as "Coffee" and here is a quote from his book where he talks about this plant

"A drink as black as ink, useful against numerous ills, particularly stomach ailments. Its consumers take it in the morning, in all frankness, in a porcelain cup that is passed from one to another and from which each one takes a full glass. It is made up of water and the fruit of a shrub called bunnu."

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Léonard Rauwolf : Un médico y explorador Aleman el cual emprendía sus viajes en busca de nuevos recursos medicinales que luego ponía en práctica y documentaba todo su proceso, nace en Alemania el 21 de junio de 1535 y muere 15 de septiembre de 1596

Léonard Rauwolf : A German physician and explorer who undertook his travels in search of new medicinal resources which he then put into practice and documented the whole process. He was born in Germany on June 21, 1535 and died on September 15, 1596.

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Es el segundo Producto más Comercializado a nivel Mundial

It is the second most traded product in the world


Foto de Rodrigo Flores en Unsplash

El café es una bebida que está en todo el mundo, es posible comprar café en todas partes del mundo sin ningún tipo de prohibición, tanto así que cualquiera puede comprar café en tiendas virtuales(En línea). En el año 2017 la producción de café alcanzó 10 millones de toneladas de este producto que en su mayoría provenían de: Brasil, Vietnam, Colombia e Indonesia

Es increíble ver que el café se produce en grandes cantidades en países que están en desarrollo y es consumido por países desarrollados, y esto hace que este siempre presente una gran demanda de este producto y eso hace un gran movimiento financiero sobre el producto y sus cosechadores, el café es el segundo producto más comercializado en todo el mundo luego del petróleo

Coffee is a beverage that is all over the world, it is possible to buy coffee everywhere in the world without any kind of prohibition, so much so that anyone can buy coffee in virtual stores(Online). In 2017 the production of coffee reached 10 million tons of this product that mostly came from: Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia and Indonesia.

It is incredible to see that coffee is produced in large quantities in countries that are developing and is consumed by developed countries, and this makes this always present a great demand for this product and that makes a great financial movement on the product and its harvesters, coffee is the second most traded product worldwide after oil

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El café como pesticida Natural

Coffee as a natural pesticide



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El café debido a las cualidades que posea logra proteger de los insectos a las plantas en las que se aplique este producto, por tal motivo es usado como insecticida casero en muchos hogares, mi madre es una de las personas que usan mucho el café como insecticida

Luego de hacer el café, extrae lo que queda en el colador y lo deja secar para luego colocarlo en las plantas para así cuidarlas de cualquier insecto, puede ser aplicado en todo tipo de planta sin temor alguno a que se dañe, al ser un producto 100% natural las plantas no sufrirá daños de ningún tipo, mi madre lo aplica en la raíz sobre la tierra de los materos de las plantas, es muy fácil de aplicar y según mi experiencia de cierta forma es efectivo

The coffee due to the qualities that it possesses manages to protect the plants in which this product is applied from insects, for this reason it is used as a homemade insecticide in many homes, my mother is one of the people who use coffee as an insecticide a lot.

After making the coffee, she extracts what is left in the strainer and lets it dry and then place it on the plants to protect them from any insect, it can be applied in all types of plants without any fear of damage, being a 100% natural product the plants will not suffer damage of any kind, my mother applies it at the root on the soil of the plants, it is very easy to apply and in my experience it is somewhat effective.

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La droga psicoactiva mas consumida

The most consumed psicoactiva drug


Foto de P.O.sitive Negative en Unsplash

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Médicamente, la cafeína se calcifica como un estimulante del sistema nervioso central, también es la droga psicoactiva más consumida en todo el mundo, tomando en cuenta que en Estados Unidos en el año 2014 el 85% de los adultos consumían cafeína todos los días, no solo él en café, ya que la cafeína está presente en otros productos como; Cola Cola, Te entre otras

Una sobre dosis de cafeína puede causar: Excitación, inquietud, insomnio, ansiedad y una lista muy larga de contraindicaciones producidas por un excesivo consumo de cafeína, entre las 25 y 100 tazas de café contiene una gran cantidad de cafeína que puede ser letal para la salud, pero tu tranquilo, sé que no eres de los que tomaran 25 tazas de café en solo un día jajajaj

Medically, caffeine is calcified as a central nervous system stimulant, it is also the most consumed psychoactive drug worldwide, taking into account that in the United States in 2014 85% of adults consumed caffeine every day, not only in coffee, as caffeine is present in other products such as Cola Cola, tea and others.

An over dose of caffeine can cause: Excitement, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety and a very long list of contraindications produced by an excessive consumption of caffeine, between 25 and 100 cups of coffee contains a large amount of caffeine that can be lethal to health, but you calm, I know you are not one of those who will take 25 cups of coffee in just one day hahahahahaha.

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El consumo moderado puede beneficiar la salud

Moderate consumption can benefit health


Foto de Jorge Franco en Unsplash

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Según algunos estudios realizados por los científicos, el café puede ser muy bueno para la salud, pero solo con un uso moderado, ya que en exceso es peligroso por las razones que mencione arriba de este texto

Cuenta con distintos beneficios para la salud, entre ellos: Prevención de enfermedades hepáticas, mayor resistencia atlética, mejor funcionamiento a nivel cognitivo y un menor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2

En el año 2014 revelo que las personas que toman 4 tazas de café por día tienen un riesgo 16% menor de muerte por cualquier caso, eso quiere decir que podemos tomar 4 tazas de cafe y estaremos prologando nuestra vida un 16% mas que los que no toman cafe

According to some studies carried out by scientists, coffee can be very good for our health, but only with a moderate use, since in excess it is dangerous for the reasons I mentioned above in this text.

It has several health benefits, including: prevention of liver disease, increased athletic endurance, better cognitive functioning and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

In 2014 I revealed that people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day have a 16% lower risk of death by any case, that means that we can drink 4 cups of coffee and we will be prolonging our life 16% more than those who do not drink coffee.

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Espero que les gustara este #Top 5 de cosas interesantes que no conocías del café, dime que te parece esta información y si tienes algún dato curioso sobre el tema sería genial que lo dejes en los comentarios y así poder continuar aprendiendo mucho más de este preciado líquido

Un gusto escribir para todos ustedes, gracias por leer y los espero en un próximo post

I hope you liked this #Top 5 interesting things you did not know about coffee, tell me what you think of this information and if you have any curious facts on the subject would be great if you leave it in the comments so we can continue learning more about this precious liquid.

A pleasure to write for all of you, thank you for reading and I hope to see you in a future post.

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Recursos Digitales Usados para la Creación de Esta publicación

Contenido de Imagenen Portada: Creada en Photoshop CC
Contenido de Gif Animado : Creados en Giphy


Hello @zonadigital21
I see cited photo sources, but where are the sources of all this written information?

Also, please explain here:

In 2014 I revealed that people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day have a 16% lower risk of death in any case, that means that we can drink 4 cups of coffee and we will be prolonging our life 16% more than those who do not drink coffee.

You said you revealed the above in 2014? Where?

I see that you joined the blockchain in February 2021.


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I see cited photo sources, but where are the sources of all this written information?

Community Rules # 5: Original Content only. Zero tolerance for plaigiarism.

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There is evidence of plaigiarism here:

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See full version of source of information found on the internet.

Although coffee is a tropical plant, the first mention of it was by the botanist Léonard Rauwolf in his book on botany and medicine, Léonard Rauwolf was a researcher who after returning from a trip to the Middle East decided to document and record everything he learned during his trip in order to have a good guide of all the different plants he found and the use of each one.

And it is here where he talks for the first time about the coffee plant that at that time was not described as "Coffee" and here is a quote from his book where he talks about this plant

"A drink as black as ink, useful against numerous ills, particularly stomach ailments. Its consumers take it in the morning, in all frankness, in a porcelain cup that is passed from one to another and from which each one takes a full glass. It is made up of water and the fruit of a shrub called bunnu."

You have spoken about a quote, but you have not given sources of your information, and the same text can be found here:!

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Also, please explain here:

In 2014 I revealed that people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day have a 16% lower risk of death in any case, that means that we can drink 4 cups of coffee and we will be prolonging our life 16% more than those who do not drink coffee.

You said you revealed the above in 2014? Where?

I see that you joined the blockchain in February 2021, so you should be aware of the importance of producing original content.

This post is classed as plaigiarised.


Hello, how are you?

Well in my favor I can tell you that the content written here is not plagiarized anywhere,

the only two occasions in which I can say that it would be (PLAGIARISM) are in the quote, that I said it was a quote (MY MISTAKE WAS NOT TO PLACE ITS SOURCE) but I did not say that it was my text, I said it was a quote.

and another part that I can say that can be seen as plagiarism would be the date of birth of and the biography of Léonard Rauwolfv and this I think is understandable, since in no way I can make changes in facts that are so written, if the quote of the book is written like this, it is supposed that so I have to write it (As I say my mistake was not to place the source of the quote).

on the other hand, this text:

It is made up of water and the fruit of a shrub called bunny.

This part you show in the screenshot that you say proves that my post is plagiarized. You have to take into account that that part of the text is exactly the quote that I mention in my post for that reason it is written in the same way.

Ok, I also see that in the image you show where you say that my post is plagiarized, you also show this text:

Léonard Rauwolf : A German physician and explorer who undertook his travels in search of new medicinal resources which he then put into practice and documented the whole process.

ok I would like to see where is the source of this plagiarism, you are saying that this part is plagiarized and I really want you to show me the page or web site from where I (ACCORDINGLY COPY THAT TEXT)

You are also giving me a link where you say that I took the information, and I tell you that my information was not extracted from that site, since I read it in this site :

That means that the website you say I got the information from has nothing to do with this post.

as well as that link I can also share with you this one which is where I managed to read that coffee is a very commercial product worldwide:

as well as this one where he talks about coffee as an insecticide:

you also say that I joined HIVE in the year 2021, that is correct, in that part I agree with you 100%, but in that post I did not mean that I revealed anything in 2014, that is because of the translator I use, I am not a native English speaker, I am Venezuelan and I do not speak English well and for that reason I use the translator so I can give my content in English as well.

What I wanted to imply in that part of the post was that in 2014 studies were revealed (NOT ME) were revealed studies but not mine, as I am neither a scientist nor a botanist or anything like that, that part of the post is because of a bad tradition, if you want to check that part you can read the Spanish version of this post and you will realize what I really wanted to imply with my words

I am not plagiarizing content from anyone and that is why I really don't like that you make these statements when I know that nothing in this post was plagiarized from any other post.

The only thing I give you the reason is in the quote of the text, in which I said it was a quote, as I said before, my only mistake in this whole post was not placing the source of the quote, but with all the respect you deserve as an administrator and as a member of your community I can tell you that all other statements you say are completely wrong, since my post was written entirely by me, and if not it would be great to see you explain me where I plagiarized the content.

Remember to answer the question I mentioned to you, from a paragraph that you say I plagiarized, but in reality it is not plagiarized.

Greetings, I repeat (MY only mistake in this whole post was not placing the source of the quote I mention in the post).

Once you check everything it would be nice if you could edit your comment of my post, as I don't like what it says and it makes me look like a bad content creator when I know you are wrong in much of what you tell me

I really defend my content, since I spent a lot of time to create it and I really do not admit that you say it is plagiarism when I know it is not so.

And as I say, if something is poorly written in English is for lack of knowledge of that language, as I help me with translators and that gives a different meaning to the reading.

I wait for your response and thank you for your comment


Your post is considered plagiarism when there is no source.
Paraphrasing from different sources of information without citing the relevant sources is considered plagiarism.

it makes me look like a bad content creator

A good content creator ensures that all sources are correctly cited.
A good content creator produces original content.


Ok I understand, so I have to cite all the sources from where I got my information, correct?

I can continue writing in the community if I comply with all this right?


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Sorry, this post has been muted by community moderators as it is of plagiarised content.
Original Content is what the community accepts as well as correctly cited sources for information taken from the internet.


Well, sorry for everything that happened, soon you will see a new post in your community, but with a different approach to what I shared before, I will try to do everyday things without so much information from the internet in order to comply with the rules.

Greetings and happy afternoon to your team of moderators.
