My life moving forward in service to self and the human race.


Marvelous Monday!


Mondays mean another chance, another opportunity to move forward in a meaningful manner in my life. I have suffered some setbacks during the last month that created unwanted outcomes. As I move forward, I realize that most of the back steps that I have encountered have actually been moves towards a positive outcome. Therefore, I am in a state of gratitude of letting in positive and negative possibilities. As I am unfolding I am in a process of unlearning past patterns that no longer are of service to me.

Meanwhile, as I am writing this post I am learning and reinforcing patterns that are of service to me. Moving forward I am going to start referring to my life as a series of habits, thoughts, and patterns that are all encompassing.

The understanding being that all actions in my life are of service to me and the attitude of gratitude for all of life's experiences moving me forward as a become a better co-creator with God in service to myself and the human race.


I like this quote and your reflection on it. I am still challenged to not judge my past choices and instead to understand that they were necessary to learn what is meant for me. Still not there but always a work in progress.
