RE: Are you Squandering your Voting power with Curation Trails


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When we swapped from STEEM to Hive, one of the most used websites for "auto-voting" and curation trails was down... Those couple of days we saw how it would be without that tool... Of course, we will need more than a couple of days to see the bigger picture, but in a nutshell, there are pros and cons to it...

First of all, we have 2 types of automatization... One is curation trails, where you "trust your vote" in someone else... That "else" is usually (not always) manually check blog posts and upvotes those that are OK... That is the curation trail that I would always support...

Other types are automatic upvotes, where you trust to some author and automatically upvote its post without knowing what is it about... In a certain way, that is also fine, because more-less you know the "style" of the author and you "know" that he/she will deliver the value...

All this is great if it is like I have described as that is an ideal scenario... The problem is that it is not always like that... lol... There is abuse (as always), but that will take a couple of blog posts to write about... lol...

From my point of view, I want to mix those things... Reserve a certain amount of my Voting Power for auto, and the rest I'm using for manual upvotes...


Very good points that you make,
I also think that joining a curation trail with someone you trust could work quite well as they may see posts that you don't

I wonder though if there is an accountability, eg: the owner of a curation trail provides a list of the posts they have up voted so the members can choose if they wish to remove any votes,
