Short and Sweet #11 - Over Indulgence


Hi Folks

Phew, we had Pizza at work for lunch today and I had to try a piece of each type there was, well almost, there were 7 types in all, I had 5 pieces of Pizza, and boy do I regret it now, over full and not really satisfied at all.

Does this sound familiar???

Segway to affiliate business, lol

How many programs are you a part of, are you the kind of person that dabbles in every single program that you come across, How is that working for you ?? do you, despite having some successes in some, continue to over indulge and spread yourself thinly over many programs, not able to give any one program the time and effort required to actually make it work for you.

Remember that most times less is more, and the less programs that you are a member of the more time you will be able to give them

Just like the Pizza, had I only tried maybe 3 types, I would be less bloated and far more satisfied.

So don’t splash yourself through every opportunity that you come across, find a handful that you really want to stick with and stick with them, see them through the good times and the not so good time. The strategy will pay off in the end and you will start to see results, because you are able to give the time and energy required to feel fully satisfied with your choices.

** If you are not already a member of Click Track Profit then you can join the program here -Click Track Profit **

*** Remember if you are really looking for a helping hand to developing your business, then there is no better choice than to follow the programs that others have used and continue to use Try it out here ***


Interesting that we both were talking about opportunities in our last posts... :)
Anyways, I agree... Rushing into everything will lead to boredness and very fast quitting because it is impossible to follow everything...

And, probably... you will miss some really good thing because of the new shining program, which will scam in a blink of an eye...


Great advice Russell, and very important to adhere to, currently I am trying to determine on what traffic sources I will focus on, 5 at max, everyone else can do the rest and as I also plan to make more rebrandable ebooks and I am using The Downliner to diversify some of my traffic I think that 5 is the perfect number since I can use them every day, stay awesome.
