Let us talk landing pages and affiliate marketing


Running any affiliate marketing business has anyone will tell you is just great, you can run an online business from anywhere, at anytime with any one team. There are no stock overheads, business premises, taxes (apart from income, please be legal) and no worrying about postage/packaging.

The Problem

The world however is full of millions of people all wanting to make money online for different personal/economic reasons. Therefore you can guarantee the World Wide Web is crowded with usually thousands of people promoting the exact same product/service or information. Most affiliates will look at the company they are going to promote, find the advertising resources, post these to their social media accounts or advertising companies and expect to receive lots of sign ups, lots of sales and money falling into their bank account.

This may happen for a popular branded product that is trending like crazy such as the Ocuclus Quest 2

I am a generic link, pick me

yes, people click on the link above ( I don't mind if you do) and buy one then if I am lucky I make a commission or two, sounds simple, right?

How many Amazon links and pictures do you see each day? What makes you want to click on one and not the other? If you are anything like me you will see that many you start to say 'not again and just train your brain to be oblivious to any advertisements that do not pop out at you.

My Own Affiliate Business

I work with an affiliate company called SFI as you may or may not already know and have been with them for over a year and half. Now they do provide you with marketing aids, banners, images, gateways etc. etc. In fact the following is the amount you can pick from:


As you can see from the image they are quite a large amount available for free but take a closer look at the Tripleclicks, Rewardicals and Localvantia there are only a minimum number. Now SFI are in their 22nd year of being an affiliate marketing company and therefore have thousands of affiliates promoting their products all over the world. How on earth would you expect people to notice your TripleClicks links/banners when there are thousands of people using the exact same one?

The Answer

The answer is do not be generic, make your link/s filter out all the noise of the internet, make it stand out in other words be dynamic and make your links pop. One way to do this is totally redesign the banners you may think, okay some affiliates can do this but so you don't get into trouble with SFI they ask all advertisements that are produced by affiliates be passed through for approval. This is simply they do not want illegal, incorrect or any content online that does not promote the integrity and professionalism of SFI.

So what can you do? You can create your own landing page. Make it personal, brand it with you, make it informative, have honest and accurate information, no lies, no click bait just integrity and transparency.

Where to Create and Host a Landing Page

Stuck for landing pages? yes I was too, trying to have a working form that actually worked was hit and miss, trial and error, tears and frustration. However me being as stubborn as they come was not going to give up, using a different company called Click Track Profit and their Landing Creation Tool was a lot more straight forward although I still came against some hassle with the form but that is what their community is great for, good advice and knowledge, what one person does not know someone else always seems too.


Is My New Landing Page Any Good?

Okay so finally built landing page, but how would I know people would want to look at it, people would click on anything or want to find out more. To answer this Click Track Profit also has the answer called the 'Gauntlet'. Now I had already looked into how this works, what was needed and what type of thing the viewers were looking for. So I took a deep breath, entered my Landing Page into this Gauntlet and closed my browser down because was not ready for criticism, bad feedback or receiving thumbs down from voters.

I left it for a day but then my curiosity and the fact that I need to promote my businesses for them to succeed so I had to check all my feedback. This was nowhere near as bad as I expected and for a first try I think I did pretty well, receiving 4 and half starts out of 5. Although there was a couple of suggestions such as 'make the video, autoplay' and 'personalise it more.' Okay suggestions taken onboard, tweaked the page and sent it back into the Gauntlet so now I have a branded Landing Page to promote that is totally different, is one of a kind and gives all the information that a viewer would require to make a snap decision on whether or not they would like to find out more.


I receive a lot more enquiries, lots more messages and I stand out from the crowd and filter out the rest of the noise from the World Wide Web.

So if you want to make it follow a path that is not pointing to the norm and follow thousands all doing the same thing with little results (well why would you?), stand out be different and you are more likely to make those sales or sign ups, depending on what you are promoting.

Check it Out and Discuss

To find out more about Click Track Profit and building landing pages check out:

Make your page Pop

and make your own business pop too. By the way it does not matter which affiliate program you are promoting so this is not just for my SFI team but for anyone wanting to build their brand and online presence.

Please feel free to add your own experiences using generic advertising or making your own landing pages and if you have different results with each.
