3 Step No Excuse Plan – 1440 The Magical Number of the Day


Who would have known that there's so much more to learn? You do your lessons once and think you're done but you're not. Do those lessons a 2 and 3 time (maybe more) and I guarantee you'll learn something you missed before.

I was trying to do it all and found myself digging a deep hole, I'm climbing out now. I wanted to do videos and blog posts as well as post to some social media sites but I had to stop trying to do it all. I needed more than the 1440 I have in order to get it all done.

Now I am down to 5 days in which I wish to complete all my tasks and at least my blog posts. So to do this, over the next few days I will be combining my tasks for a few days in one post. Today I am covering Days 17 thru 19, I hope this doesn’t get too long for you.

Click Track Profit

To complete in click track profit we learned about being everywhere, being evergreen and getting to know everyone in not only your circle but also everyone in your community.

Get out there and show yourself, do a video, do a live stream, just be everywhere you can. Show your face so people will know that you're a real person.

List Nerds

List nerds reminds us just how impotant email marketing is because there are always new people getting into online businesses and looking for to grow their business. List Nerds had 15 new people sign up in the previous 24 hours. This is why we need to be using email marketing every single day.

List Nerds is good practice for your email marketing development. It let's you know that when you mail your list, it will convert. On day 19 we were encouraged to sign up to other lists of successful email marketers in our niche. Watch the style of their emails and see how the develop them. See if they just jump right in and offer you what they got or do they sweet talk you first. My next email is out and on the way! This is my 6th email since I started this Journey (I email every 3 days).

+1 Success

Plus One Success ......... These 3 days go very well together. You must D17) put people first and profits second. D18) be visible, get out there and show people that you are real, D19) Make the most of your 1440!

I have mention 1440 in this post several times, so now I elaborate. 1440 is the total amount of minutes we all get each and every day. We must use that 1440 wisely beause there's not 1 second more. So get out there and be visible by doing a video or live stream, make a post on social media and don't forget to add your video and post to #Hive and #CTPtalk. And always remember to put the people first.

Come join me in the 3 Step No Excuse Plan and take the journey yourself. Here's everything you need .........

Click Track Profit:

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List Nerds:

+1 Success:

The Hive Guide

Telegram Group:

Charletta Allen AKA: SuccessChar
Charletta Allen....AKA; SuccessChar
