3 Ways To Speak MONEY



Money is attracted to me. I use money as a tool. Money flows through my life.

Great day to be alive. Michael The Traveling Trucker brings the gift of wealth to all who read this. It is for your use to bless yourself, your family, and others.

Most people speak lack, poverty, inadequacy, doubt, and fear. DON'T BE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. SPEAK WEALTH AND LIFE.

What’s keeping you from being rich? In most cases it’s simply a lack of belief. In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal. – Suze Orman

You have to be careful about the vocabulary you use because every word thought, spoken, or written, if inner-directed, constitutes programming, instructions to your subconscious mind.

What you say in your head (think) and speak out loud manifests. It is accurate to say that the way you think about money and the language you use about money matters a GREAT DEAL.

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/money/

Money should come to you easily. Money is NOT hard earned. Speak to money, that it will flow easily through your life and in abundance.

Writing down goals is a form of speaking to yourself. Carefully think about what you really want. How long it will take you( This can be adjusted) and how you will accomplish the tasks set before you.

What you speak reveals what you are. There is a unique language used by wealth-attracting entrepreneurs. Their language is honest, and a natural reflection of there beliefs about money and wealth.

Money is naturally attracted to the person most confident and comfortable about it.

Look up words that deal with money. Use your vocabulary dictionary and see the best words for money. Look at their meaning and begin to use them in your mental speech.

Talk positive money talk to yourself daily. Money is at my disposal. I use money wisely to help others. Money comes to me on a daily basis. I never worry about money, I have more than enough.

Money Is Always Coming To Me
