That old feeling ...


Did you realized that, somehow, your hard work in matter of #blogging is not remunerated?

I'm still wondering, where are all those #whales that have migrated from the old mothership, steemit?

Maybe, some will say that this in adventure that will bring you joy so the #crypto remunerations are not counted, right? Especially in Times like these ones ...

Actually money doesn't exist ... i've got that and soon as you'll understand this mentality, you'll realize the illusion regarding everything related to this subject ... Maybe soon or later, everything will become like a Dream within a Dream ...

That's why maybe it becomes a questionable subject ...

I've thought that people have started not to like anymore my lego stories ... since my last 3 or more #blogs related to stories with lego characters were almost like non-existing inside this #blockchain ...

It's interesting how so many people with just a few photos, are receiving more than 50 $ for their blogs ...

Then, you ask yourself ... "Should i continue with presenting my music, lego stories, photos and so on ... ? "

Related to my lego stories ...

What's wrong with a story like this? Having in mind that it was created at the dawn along with my children ...

New inspirations are always welcomed at the dawn ...

We know how sublime can be a Light at that moment of the beginning of the day ...

Our buddies, Yoda, Tusken and R2-D2 knew this and invited us to build two new structures ... A new secret base of Tusken Raider and a new future base with a powerful quantum computer.

First thing first ... Let's start with the Light of the most sublime dawn of a perfect day ...


The new secret base of Tusken Raider came out from simple lego elements and it came out to be a well equipped structure, with power provided from the Sunlight through ruby and aventurine crystals ...


They've had even the fountain for water, the one build near the stairs and it has a Kyanite crystal container through which the water is always filtered ...

The most interesting structure is this secret base which has this amazing quantum computer through which Jedi Yoda and Tusken Raider can manage every info that comes from the space, especially from galaxies that are hundreds of years far away from them ...

Everyday, Jedi Yoda sits there and process the infos ...


The entire secret machine is maintained by the awesome D2-R2 ...

The entrance to this magic machine is through a secret bunker ... Here is a short glimpse of a normal day of Tusken Raider and Jedi Yoda inside this bunker ...


The secret machine with this powerful quantum computer looks like this inside the bunker ...


It's based on powerful ruby crystals, kyanite and aventurine ... Jedi Yoda knows the best how to work with those special crystals.

I think with such a machine, Tusken Raider and Jedi Yoda can move forward much faster to process all those messages with a powerful capacity of decoding those encryption. Never to forget that master D2-R2 is there to process a vast amount of info as well ...

Before they've built the bunker, the machine was tested outside.

I've thought that a better presentation of this futuristic machine would be better in the natural spotlight of the Sun of Marsoom ...


When the machine was ready, they've brought it inside the secret bunker.

This machine has the capacity of flying as well, having an immense power through the crystals.


I think that our buddies did a great job this morning and we are very proud that we were part of this creative process ...

Stay tuned, soon more stories with our buddies, Jedi Yoda, Tusken Raider and D2-R2


Now, back to our topics related to this new trend of #blogging and its way of remunerating people's work, especially, the artists ... it's kind of funky ...

For me, art means: music, everything related to culinary art, related to lego, photography, painting, drawing ... and the list can go on ...


Sometimes, while i am cooking, i am realizing that even from a fresh pesto a la genovese i can create a painting ...

Of course, being too lazy, i preffer to keep that impressionism painting inside the plate :-))


It might look like a contemporary art but it's very tasty for a pesto a la genovese made fresh and with the whole ingredients from the garden :-)

It looks almost like the All Seeing Eye from a Green Planet ...

Maybe this kind of food would suit for my buddies, Jedi Yoda and Tusken Raider ...


I've discovered that even a combination of pesto a la genovese with falafel might give you a twist to both ancient dishes ...

We all know the magical falafel ... but in combination with a pesto sauce, yummie ... even Yoda would like such a dish :-))


You just need a healthy food like this one, a time portal like this one ... to travel inside another space, maybe to Yoda's hut and your life would be perfect ... i know that these #adventure is not for everyone ...

You'll might find the portal but not everyone would have the will to transcend through time and space and step inside a new matrix


After such a journey, you would love a place to live like Yoda's Hut :-)

I know for sure that such an exotic place like this would be a perfect escape from the one we live in right now ...


Imagine every night arround the sacred fire, telling stories to your children ... or maybe listening as well to some stories told by magical fairies ...

The ancient sacred fire ...

That heals everything and purifies the environment through its smoke ...


I know for sure that even a good meal like some fish would be a perfect meal for Jed Yoda and Tusken Raider as well :-)

As you could see, even them were cooking some fish the other day ...


Therefore, having a sacred fire with a healing fire, we can cook as well some fresh fish ...

Some dorada fish would more than perfect for a proper dinner ... and i know for sure that our buddies Jedi Yoda and Tusken Raider love dorada fish ...


Bon appetit people ... while enjoying some music:


Wish you all a Blessed Morning along with your Families.


I don't get into legos @luciannagy, but your story telling made it interesting for me. Upvoted and Reblogged. 👍
