Day 26 || Grateful for my parents || 30 days of gratitude [Spa/Eng]

¡Agradecida por mis padres!

Grateful for my parents

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Hoy en día, sobre todo en América Latina, correr con la bendición de tener ambos padres vivos y jodiendo es algo maravilloso porque no todos corren con esa suerte por diferentes motivos. El día de hoy le quiero agradecer de manera escrita, una que probablemente nunca lean porque ellos nunca me leen, y con lindas imágenes a los dos seres que se unieron en un momento y decidieron traerme al mundo, aunque mi mamá es partidaria de decir que yo los elegí a ellos.

Los tengo a ambos pero mi vida siempre ha estado al lado de mi progenitora, de la mujer que me tuvo 9 meses y un poquito más en su vientre, y que además aún me soporta. Mi papá y ella no estuvieron muchos años juntos pero hoy en día se hablan, al menos se juntan para regañarme, es en lo que más están de acuerdo últimamente. Mi mamá luchó conmigo desde el día cero de mi vida, desde ese cuatro de enero en el cual le llegué de regalo en su cumpleaños.

Today, especially in Latin America, running with the blessing of having both parents alive is a wonderful thing because not everyone runs with that luck for different reasons. Today I want to thank them in a written way, one that they probably never read because they never read me, and with beautiful images to the two beings that joined in a moment and decided to bring me to the world, although my mom is in favor of saying that I chose them.

I have both of them but my life has always been by the side of my progenitor, the woman who had me for 9 months and a little bit more in her belly, and who still supports me. My father and she were not together for many years but nowadays they talk to each other, at least they get together to scold me, it is what they agree on most lately. My mom fought with me from day zero of my life, from that January 4th when I came as a gift to her on her birthday.


Cameras: Various | Photographer: @arlettemsalase

Mis padres son los pilares más importantes de mi vida, son de donde aprendí todo lo bueno y hasta lo malo, también son mi principal fuente de amor porque gracias a ellos lo conocí. Estoy segura de que si el mundo se repitiera o existiese otra vida luego de esta, elegiría sus almas para que sean padres de la mía porque no hay mejor combinación para mi creación que la de ellos dos.

Como todos los padres, tienen sus pros y sus contras, pero principalmente mi madre es la que se lleva la corona porque ella ha vivido conmigo todo lo bueno, todos mis logros, la mayoría de mis recuerdos y espero que con la bendición de todas las deidades buenas habidas y por haber, me dure muchísimos años más para darle ese nieto humano que tanto desea, para que este completamente feliz de que educó una humana inteligente y auto-suficiente.

My parents are the most important pillars of my life, they are where I learned everything good and even bad, they are also my main source of love because thanks to them I met him. I am sure that if the world were to repeat itself or there were another life after this one, I would choose their souls to be parents of mine because there is no better combination for my creation than theirs.

Like all parents, they have their pros and cons, but mainly my mother is the one who takes the crown because she has lived with me all the good things, all my achievements, most of my memories and I hope that with the blessing of all the good deities I have had and will have, it will take me many, many more years to give her that human grandchild that she wants so much, so that she will be completely happy that she raised an intelligent and self-sufficient human.


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I am glad I caught another one of your gratitude posts. I, too, am thankful for may parents (I posted about them a few days ago HERE ) and my wife's parents, as well (HERE is the post I wrote about them). It is nice to see that there are still people in the world that will stop and acknowledge the things they are thankful for. Thank you for sharing and please continue to do so.


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Tienes mucha razon, asi que disfrutalos, la vida es maravillosa, saludos.
