Day 27 || Grateful for my brother and sister || 30 days of gratitud [Spa/Eng]

Agradecida por mi hermana y mi hermano

Grateful for my sister and brother

Grateful for my brothers.gif

Para el común denominador de la gente que me conoce en las diferentes redes sociales, descentralizadas o no, yo soy hija única y no siempre especifico pero luego ando diciendo "mi hermanito", "mi hermanita" y no entienden. Mi papá tuvo un matrimonio previo al que tuvo con mi mamá y de ahí salió mi hermanito. De su actual matrimonio salió mi hermanita.

Aunque físicamente no nos parecemos tanto, de corazón sí. A pesar de que somos los tres de signos zodiacales completamente distintos, de esencia nos parecemos bastante.

Yo no crecí al lado de ellos, por razones obvias, pero sí fuimos parte de la vida del otro aunque sea por cortos espacios de tiempo y ellos, a su manera, también me han enseñado parte de lo que es amar incondicionalmente.

To the common denominator of the people who know me in the different social networks, decentralized or not, I am an only child and I don't always specify but then I go around saying "my little brother", "my little sister" and they don't understand. My father had a previous marriage to my mother and that's where my little brother came from. From his current marriage came my little sister.

Although physically we don't look that much alike, in our hearts we do. Even though we are the three of completely different zodiacal signs, in essence we are quite similar.

I didn't grow up next to them, for obvious reasons, but we were part of each other's lives for short periods of time and they, in their way, have also taught me part of what it is to love unconditionally.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Parte de mi crecimiento como ser humano, como persona, ha sido parte de lo que desde el amor y el entendimiento he conocido y aprendido con ellos. Aunque no lo crean, para amar y entender una persona con algo tan diminuto como un gesto pero nos llegamos a compenetrar tanto que sabemos cuando el otro está mal, de cierta manera. Estoy muy agradecida por los hermanos que tengo, son parte de una gran bendición con la que he sido premiada.

Part of my growth as a human being, as a person, has been part of what I have known and learned with them from love and understanding. Believe it or not, to love and understand a person with something as tiny as a gesture but we come to understand each other so much that we know when the other is wrong, in a certain way. I am very grateful for the brothers I have, they are part of a great blessing with which I have been rewarded.


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