Late Night Musings: What IS "Risk," Anyway?

Earlier today, I had an email exchange with a friend about life, money and such.

She wanted to know whether I was "still doing that Bitcoin blogging thing" (actually meaning Hive), and I allowed as how I was, and it had just been my 4th anniversary of doing so.

"That's just TOO RISKY for me!," she stated.


What Are We Talking About?

Her words made me ponder what this thing called "risk" really is, and how we seem to always associate it with the fear of something.

As I pondered this, I recognized how "risk" is really in the eye of the beholder.

Aforesaid friend is a pretty accomplished extreme rock climber. She'll spend her weekends in the summer scrambling up practically vertical cliff faces... for fun and enjoyment. I think that's an insanely risk thing to do, and I would likely never do it... yet, she barely gives it a second thought.

However, she feels that investing in Bitcoin is "too risky" for her.


Risk Abatement?

A lot of people I know believe I am a "risk taker" because I have started many businesses and am self-employed. Yet, to me, starting a business — if you've actually done your homework — really isn't all that risky.

Working for some big company that could fire you are a moment's notice, and typically "without cause" (in many US states)? Now that's risky. At least to me. And I wouldn't feel confident that another company would be willing to hire me, right away! Very risky!

Which is where we get to the reality that "risky is relative." Or, at the very least, people practice a sort of "risk abatement" in their chosen area of risk... in the form of experience and really learning all they can about whatever it is they are involved in.


Risk Taking and Adrenaline Junkies

Of course, there are multiple kinds of risks in our world.

Personally, I don't like the kind of adrenaline rush that goes with throwing myself out of a perfectly good airplane, 20,000 feet up in the air... it does not feel good. And that's why I don't do it... and yet? For some people, it makes them feel alive.

Most of my own risk taking is what I would consider "educated" and "planned,", rather than impulsive and spontaneous. I know that one of my limitations in life is a tendency to be rather slow at "thinking on my feet and making split second decisions," so I tend to avoid those sorts of things.

For some, being spontaneously thrown into the chaotic unknown represents a challenge they enjoy working through. For me, the "fun" risk taking takes the form of undertaking problem solving so complex most people shy away from even trying.


Those are completely different types of risks.

If you want to get technical about it, it's also risky to plant tomatoes before you're sure the last spring frost has happened. And it's risky to try to grow oranges in places where it sometimes freezes.

Getting back to the original point of discussion, if I didn't know a lot about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, I doubt I would be involved in them... like my extreme rock climbing friend, I would see them as "too risky."

In the end, it's all about knowing what you're doing! Maybe if I'd spent ten years scaling cliff faces, I'd have a different perception of the amount of risk involved.

How about YOU? What is YOUR impression and approach to risk? What do you see as more risky... trading cryptos or extreme bungee jumping? Are they even comparable? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20210211 00:51 PST



If you talked to anyone that knows me really well they would probably tell you that I am quite risk adverse. Most of them know that I dabble in crypto and if anything they would probably consider it more wasteful than risky. They just don't feel there is a return there. I'd also venture a guess that most of the people I am acquainted with still have no clue what is going on with crypto. You just don't get the news coverage in the US you know. I think eventually it will come, but by then it will be too late for most of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Most of my friends don't exactly know how crypto works, so they wouldn't buy it. I buy it because like anything else, it is a calculated risk. I bought tesla for the same reason... but, only at my price.

I would jump out of an airplane and have. It is fun and yes, it is in an adrenaline junkie type of thing. I had someone I trust with my life pack the chute and he flew the plane. That worked.

It's a risk getting up every morning and walking down the street. I have to decide which ones I am willing to take!

I love your posts!


Love your comment about viewing traditional employment as risky. I am a college student and am working on ideas to develop a business for this exact reason. I find it incredibly risky to be an aspect of a balance sheet. A cost that could be cut with a moments notice. Well done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
