Bitcoin Millionaires & Market Report

Hello again everyone,


Before I get started, I am going to restate something everyday till I get the help I need! lol!


I am still waiting/hoping for someone to step forward to guide me with distribubot. I know there are a lot of great people out their in the community and should be able to help or get the world out that I am looking for help. This is the first goal I want to get done in 2021. HELP. ;)


Okay, Bitcoin Millionaires made over night:


There was a giant sell off over night, that I am sure made at least 1 person, company or many brand new Millionaires over night. Good on you all. But it also gave some more people to buy in under the 30K mark. So all Good. I expected it. I also expect Bitcoin to recover quickly. Not a crash, not a correction, just profit taking. Just my personal thoughts :)

Leo jumped high over night but came back down a bit also as you can see in the graphic:


CTP Token is chugging along just fine.


And then there is my token, BBH, the little token that will! I like to say.


Hive: 0.109210 USD


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Have a great day all.

