Going Viral - That is what we all want: maybe


Morning fellow CTP Talkers and Hivians,

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This post might be all over the place but I am going to start with my subject. Going Viral. Yes that is what we all want with our blog posts and video blogs, if you are doing one. Could you just imagine what it would be like if you could get a blog post to do the same spread as COVID-19. At the rate COVID-19 is spreading about 80,000 people would see and interact with my blog posts! That is a funny and and sad statement at the same time.

It is funny in the fact of the places my mind can go and the comparisons it can make and it is sad that I can actually make the comparison.

My last couple blog posts have been back to the basics of talking about Click Track Profit and how great it is. Join me on CTP. So I have to get the plug in here. But I am going to continue to talk about going viral.

How does it happen? I learned a lesson on Twitter yesterday that you need a subject that people can relate to. A subject that they are interested in. Something that they will engage in. And I hit a sweet spot with a pic of people not social distancing.


That is by far the most impressions and engagements I have ever had a tweet. WOW. Now that went viral.

So I been thinking, how can I do that with my blog posts? And it comes back to the same ole things. I just need to try and keep writing quality content, writing everyday, show up everyday. Over the last couple days, my posts have not gone viral, but I have been getting an upswing in larger votes values. It goes to show me that my persistence is paying off. I am almost 8 months on the blogging journey now and I have shown up everyday. And of this writing I got 1433 posts under my belt. Combination of posts, replies. WOW to me again.

Sort of on this subject, I want some feedback from @jongolson, @ph1102, @pixiepost, @flaxz and any others. I am thinking of starting a "curation trail" for CTP Talk? What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? No need? Let me know your thoughts before I get started.

With the bad news in the world continuing about COVID-19, busting though the 1 million mark in world wide infections, now more then ever (stealing a though from @ph1102 now) to become more social online. One thing humans are good at is adapting and making the best out of bad situation. So people, time to double down. Work you blogging, work your online business. Join me on CTP.

After today this will be two weeks of unemployment for me, and for my online business it is the best thing that could have happened to me.

Let us carry on, move forward and make the best out of a bad situation. I am not crawling in a hole and staying there. I am going to be front and centre and blog the shit out of myself till I get that one post that will go Viral :)


Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter
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Have a great day all.



Great post Bradley, and nice statistics for that Tweet, if you want to start a curation trail for CTP then go for it, and stay safe and awesome.


You have a great attitude Bradley. It is easy to get swept up in the world's pandemic at the moment but when we #pushon and keep going forward, that's when we will only become stronger. 💛

Yes if you want to do a curiation trail, by all means do it. Put your own spin on it. See if you like it and what the response is. If we don't try new things, we will never know what could be. I support you! 😊🙏🏻
