RE: Why You Should Be Careful Who You Listen To.


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Thanks so much for this post. I have meet alot of all three types of people. I am quiet and just sit back and listen, gathering information so I can do my on research. Then I will make my move.


I am glad you enjoyed reading my post.

You are very wise to sit back and listen, gathering all the information, and then doing your own research. It is like eating an orange. When you get the orange, you peal it and get rid of the pips. You don't eat all of it. You just keep what is useful. That is exactly what you are doing! Well done!

As a young man, I was in the police force for some years. We had a motto that said "don't be too concerned about the big guy making a lot of noise. Worry about that small guy calmly sitting at the back, saying nothing..."

Maybe you are that quiet person sitting at the back...not making a lot of noise. But you gather all the information and then you get results! And it's the results that count, not what you say...

Thank you for your comment! I do appreciate it!
