Stop the stress and anxiety of seeking something!

It is exhausting when we look for something so hard, and yet it seems that the further we look, the further that something gets from us. We are always occupying our mind with, searching and trying hard, never stopping.

This "something" can be a relationship, a love, a home, a job, an event, an opportunity ... Anything.


What should we do when we are running around and never reaching the goal? Stop!

Stop, is a word that scares people so much that most don't even think about interpreting it. When we tell someone to stop looking for something, they automatically associate stop giving up-losing-failing. This is totally incorrect and I will explain why.

It is useless to search anxiously for something that does not appear because the longer we continue this search, the more anxious we become, and this anxiety generates a great feeling of pressure. The pressure makes us feel more and more desperate and consequently makes us emanate stress-energy, from a very dense vibration.


Will this dense energy do what with us? Attract challenging events, which take us further away from the initial goal. So the cycle continues as a giant snowball.

The importance of stopping is enormous, it makes us return to the heart, focus on our self and trust the universe. If that something is that important to us, it will find a way into our lives at the right time. That is why it is important that you remain emotionally preserved and at peace. That right moment always comes after a learning process. So when something is hard to happen, and you know that it no longer depends on you for that, surrender and trust in life.


For a little while, get away from that pressure and stress, accept that everything has its time to happen. And above all, it reflects without pressure and realizes why this moment is not the most suitable for achieving this goal.

Sometimes in that pause, in that calm and in that reflection, all the answers that you have had until now arrive.

Everything has a certain time to come, or not to come, do not let your perception limited by the blind will to have/do something make you forget this.


Resilience 🙏


I hope it made your day a little better.
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Love, @rafaeleff15



I find this to be true even with smaller circumstances. Sometimes if I am deep in a brain fog or my blood sugar is low, I can do and do and do and do and never actually accomplish what I am trying to do. But if I stop and rest or eat something, often times I can restart and actually finish what I had spent so long just spinning in circles before.


Yeah, and it's really counterintuitive, doing nothing in order to do more. It's very underrated tecnique.


return to the heart, focus on our self and trust the universe

Sound advice.

A lovely post and lovely photos, and a reminder to stay on track. Thanks for sharing.
