RE: 🌿🧄 Stir Fried Papaya & Lemongrass With Tempeh 🌶️ An Ital Khmer-ibbean Recipe

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You know that in Venezuela we do not consume papaya or "milky" as a salty dish, but as a sweet, in juices or in fruit salads, however this great recipe that you present to us deserves to be replicated, made, to know the flavors of other cultures. I liked that you used turmeric, I like the taste of it, and I actually grow it. I do not know the taste of kaffir lime or tulsi leaves, I will have to find out and do some research. Like all the recipes that I have seen you have published, this one is also excellently well explained, with an impeccable step by step, good quantities and also you give us a story along with the recipe itself, which adds emotion and feeling to the publication . Very good work. Greetings.

Sabes que en Venezuela no consumimos la papaya o lechosa como plato salado, sino como dulce, en jugos o en ensaladas de frutas, sin embargo esta genial receta que nos presentas, merece replicarla, hacerla, para conocer los sabores de otras culturas. Me gustó que empleases la cúrcuma, a mí me gusta su sabor, y de hecho la cultivo. No conozco el sabor de la lima kaffir ni de las hojas de tulsi, tendré que averiguar y documentarme. Como todas las recetas que he visto has publicado, esta también está excelentemente bien explicada, con un paso a paso impecable, buenas cantidades y además nos das una historia junto con la receta en sí misma, lo que le añade emoción y sentimiento a la publicación. Muy buen trabajo. Saludos.


Thank you a lot for the stopping by and your time. The green papaya or old papaya, they are common to make soups or other food in Cambodia and we make sweet papaya juice the same but I like eat sweet papaya raw . !ENGAGE 45


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