My entry to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #102 [En-Es] Scents reminiscent of childhood

Foto de Madalina Z en Unsplash

Hello dear ladies, I hope you are all very well. Special shout out to @elizabethbit, who kindly asks two questions for this week's contest.

Hola queridas damas, espero que se encuentren todas muy bien. Saludo especial a @elizabethbit, quien gentilmente formula para el concurso de la semana dos preguntas.


1️⃣If I could be any scent, what would it be and why? What memories, if any, does my choice bring to mind?
1️⃣ Si pudiera ser cualquier olor, ¿cuál sería y por qué? ¿Qué recuerdos, si alguno, me trae a la mente mi elección?


Without being an expert in fragrances or expensive perfumes, there are scents that have stayed with me and that when I perceive them again, they transport me back in time, leaving me with an incomparable feeling of well-being and warmth. Such is the case of the smell of the dolls that dad bought for my sister and me from one of his trips. It was a very soft and sweet perfume, that I have not been able to feel exactly the same in any other toy. If I could have that smell with me I would always be delighted. I am also fascinated by baby colognes and lately I have been curious about how perfumes are made from natural elements, such as plants, flowers, fruits, etc.

Sin ser experta en fragancias ni perfumes caros, hay olores que se me han quedado grabados y que cuando vuelvo a percibirlos me transportan al pasado dejándome una sensación de bienestar y calidez inigualables. Tal es el caso del olor que tenían las muñecas que papá nos compró a mi hermana y a mi de uno de sus viajes. Era un perfume muy suave y dulce, que no he podido sentir exactamente igual en ningún otro juguete. Si pudiera tener ese olor conmigo siempre estaría encantada. También me fascinan las colonias de bebe y ultimamente he sentido curiosidad por como se elaboran los perfumes a partir de elementos naturales, como plantas, flores, frutas, etc.



2️⃣ Which is my favorite coffee to drink daily, and how do I take it? , What is my favorite daily drink?
2️⃣¿Cuál es mi café favorito para beber a diario y cómo lo tomo? R ¿cuál es mi bebida diaria favorita?


I have become very fond of coffee, so much so that I need to drink it daily to avoid migraines
At first I drank it with milk and sugar, accompanied by bread. It was delicious and sometimes was my only breakfast before college.

Me he vuelto muy aficionada al café, tanto que necesito tomarlo a diario para no sufrir de jaqueca.
Al principio lo bebía con leche y azúcar acompañado de pan. Era delicioso y, a veces constituía mi único desayuno antes de ir al liceo o la universidad.

Imagen de Engin Akyurt en Pixabay

Now we can't have milk at home like before, so I had to get used to drinking it only with sugar.
Currently, like the old coffee with milk, sweetened black coffee has become my usual drink to take on an empty stomach and after each meal.
Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't have the willpower to break this habit that has become more and more expensive. But after I read that coffee taken in moderation also brings many health benefits, the feeling of guilt almost goes away.
Due to the increasingly high prices of ground coffee, it has become a luxury to have it at home. That is why a few years ago we bought a little plant and at this moment it is loaded with fruit.

Ahora no podemos tener leche en casa cómo antes, y tuve que acostumbrarme a tomarlo solo con azúcar.
Actualmente, al igual que el viejo café con leche, el café negrito azucarado se ha vuelto mi bebida habitual para tomar en ayunas y después de cada comida.
A veces me siento culpable por no tener la fuerza de voluntad suficiente para dejar ese hábito que se ha vuelto cada vez más costoso. Pero después que leo que el café tomado con moderación aporta también muchos beneficios a la salud, el sentimiento de culpa casi se me quita.
Debido a los cada vez más altos precios que tiene el café molido, se ha vuelto un lujo tenerlo en casa. Por eso hace pocos años compramos una plantita y en este momento está cargada de frutos.

Perhaps one day I will be able to process my own coffee, so that this habit will be less expensive, both for the pocket and for health.

Tal vez algún día pueda procesar mi propio café, para que este hábito sea menos caro, tanto para el bolsillo como para la salud.


The second and fourth images are collages made with Google, of photos taken by myself with my Xiaomi Redmi 9C smartphone.
I invite @jennyzer and @marijo-rm to participate in this contest.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post.

La segunda y cuarta imagenes son collages hechos con Google, de fotos tomadas por mi misma con mi teléfono inteligente Redmi 9C de Xiaomi.
Invito a participar en este concurso a @jennyzer y a @marijo-rm.
Muchas gracias por detenerse y leer mi publicación.


Gif made with / Gif hecho con Canva
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator
Dividers / Separadores


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I changed from a regular tea drinker to a coffee since my collage days when I began the caffeine addiction to cram more productivity into a time limited day. As time went, I got into more artisan coffees and lingered at coffee houses in down times in between patients while community nursing. Those were the days.
Thx @elentogether ☕️


I guess milk is expensive in your country, that's why you don't have it at home.


coffee as migraine relief? I never thought about it. I often have migraine but I am avoiding coffee. I like tea more than it.


Soft baby scents are very nice! How excellent, to have your own coffee plant growing and bearing fruit! I envy you, for they will not grow where I am. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!💜🤗
