Ladies of Hive Community Contest #110



A medida que nos acercamos al final del año, tomemos un momento para reflexionar sobre lo que hemos logrado y aprendido en 2022.
Estamos deseando que nos cuentes tu experiencia!

Cuando llega el mes de noviembre, comenzamos a darnos cuenta que el año finaliza porque al llegar el día 1 de diciembre en un abrir y cerrar de ojos estamos en el día 31, deseando lo mejor para el inicio del nuevo año.

Entre ellos finalizar proyectos como dar inicios de nuevos.

En este año 2022, muchos aprendizajes después de tantas experiencias que se han tenido con la pandemia a nivel mundial. Hubo una revolución de información y parece que se aceleró el aprendizaje en el uso de la tecnología por a través de ella se dieron muchos encuentros durante el encierro por pandemia.

Muchos aseguran que esto ya pasó , pero quienes estamos con los pies en la tierra entendemos que es un virus y como tal está en el ambiente que todavía así lo decreten los gobiernos que la pandemia terminó cada quien debe mantener sus medidas para evitar caer de nuevo contaminado. Ya esto es decisión de cada quien pero en la medida que haya conciencia hacia esto puede evitarse el contagio.

Este año se ha afianzado más el conocimiento acerca del mundo interno de nuestro ser; tema que aún muchos no toman en consideración, mantienen la teoría que lo que existe es lo que vemos y que no hay nada más.

Este tema de entender acerca del mundo y esa parte que no vemos pero que sentimos le di más importancia lo que se traduce en tener paz en medio de tantas tribulaciones y aceptar que todo lo que requerimos llega. Que somos energía y vibración esto hace que muchas cosas las atraemos a través de nuestros pensamientos.

Aprendí a controlar un poco la mente aunque de verdad es una disciplina para lograrlo en su totalidad, lo importante es que un paso a paso que hasta el momento ha sido fructífero.

En 2023 continuar con estas practicas para seguir avanzando en el tema.


Feliz navidad (2).gif



As we approach the end of the year, let's take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished and learned in 2022.
We look forward to hearing about your experience!

When November arrives, we begin to realize that the year is coming to an end because as December 1 arrives in the blink of an eye we are on day 31, wishing the best for the start of the new year.

Among them to finish projects as well as to start new ones.

In this year 2022, many learnings after so many experiences that have been had with the pandemic worldwide. There was an information revolution and it seems that the learning in the use of technology was accelerated because through it there were many encounters during the pandemic confinement.

Many assure that this is over, but those of us who are down to earth understand that it is a virus and as such it is in the environment and even if the governments decree that the pandemic is over, everyone must maintain their measures to avoid being contaminated again. This is everyone's decision, but as long as there is awareness of this, contagion can be avoided.

This year has strengthened more the knowledge about the inner world of our being; subject that still many do not take into consideration, they maintain the theory that what exists is what we see and that there is nothing else.

This subject of understanding about the world and that part that we do not see but that we feel, I gave more importance to it, which translates into having peace in the midst of so many tribulations and accepting that everything we need arrives. That we are energy and vibration and this means that we attract many things through our thoughts.

I learned to control my mind a little bit although it is a discipline to achieve it in its totality, the important thing is that it is a step by step that until now has been fruitful.

In 2023 continue with these practices to continue advancing in the subject.


Traductor DeepL

Feliz navidad (3).gif


having peace in the midst of so many tribulations and accepting that everything we need arrives.

I love this. People who manage to find peace in the midst of their tribulations and accept everything. Not everyone can do this, but for those who can, it makes a world of difference. Congrats dear :)

I learned to control my mind a little bit

I'm glad you did it. A little bit of mindfulness can go a long way in managing stress and improving our quality of life. Although it takes discipline to achieve, controlling our thoughts can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Thanks for the entry dear !LADY


Having peace will really give a great impact in all of the things, especially when we want to give more importance with what matters to us the most.


Time's fast and it's good to read that you have learned to control your mind. That's one of the challenges that not many of us can do. I wish you the best on the remaining weeks of 2022 and for sure, there will be more learning along the way.


That's right, step by step, it's not easy but the work is being done.
Thank you, thank you very much


Good to know :) And you're welcome !LADY


It’s a great thing you have learn in the year 2022 and you learning that we attract many things through our thoughts it’s so right. When we think about positive things and nice things then we attract them.


Tener paz es algo muy importante en los tiempos que vivimos. Espero que mantengas esa paz siempre 💖


Gracias, es un trabajo de paso a paso para poder mantenerla allí esta el reto.

