Introspection to my magical encrypted world of sublime characters - Prophecy of Mother Afrikya ...


While we are on the illusoric tide on this #crypto market, i've thought that some entertainment through my lego story will be interesting ...

Here is the coolest image ever, where my buddy, the wizard Moombayembe met Mother Afrikya, while she told him about the entire prophecy of this new world of cryptos ...


Right near to her, was present the symbol of the #hive #blockchain ... the famous CryptoBee, which was a witness to Mother Afrikya's prophecy, while she told Moombayembe the entire secret ...

The secret of this bull-run, on which the major percentage of the world will fall in again ...

She showed him instantly the story of a well known pirate which was chasing the #btc when it was around the price of 9K ... and after eons of chasing this encrypted monetary system, a plan-demic arrived, and through this plan-demic the price of #btc went higher than 10K and everyone was running to catch the ocean tide ... almost like my friend Moana did ... but at least she knew when, and what to do, since she knew very well the vast ocean ...


But, our pirate did not expect the new sleigh ride effect, in the opposite direction than the expected trend, and eons after eons past, and, he ended up like this ...


Waiting to become reach, when in fact, he has lost his soul, his crafts ... his precious thing ... the Time ...

Which, as we know, must be our best friend, like it is for Jedi Yoda ... who knows how to chillax and to moneypulate the market in his favor ...


Meanwhile, most of the world believes that they are on some big wings of a dragon, like my buddies Harry, Hermione and Ron are ... but that scenario it's pure magic and from another realm, compared to the illusory one from this spectrum ...


Now, returning to our today's journey, maybe some are still waiting for some big adventures, like those from Indiana Jones movies, and some Summerish'weather as well, so they can spend their #btc or any other #crypto assets, or maybe just playing some cowboy games like my buddies, Stuart and Bob ... but maybe the game will be different than my cool photo here ...


Maybe the true prophecy will be like Mother Afrikya said, or much better to say, she warned every soul ... not to become like our carribean pirate, with an unknown identity ... but during his tradings, searchings of all those #crypto treasures inside of some lost islands, he ended up ... here ...


Maybe happy and fullfilled, but i wonder, IF ... he passed trough the encrypted tunnel through the Enlightenment process for his soul, or maybe he returned in an eternal cycle to experiment the vast world of this #crypto space ...?

Maybe he will be back just to play some cowboys games with Stuart and Bob ...

I think Harry Potter is one of the young ones who experienced the passing process through the Tunnel of Light ... learning a lot of things about this from his best friend, Hedwig ...


Maybe an OBExperience would show to every soul that through this time of a plan-demic protocol, another search for the illusory of abundance through this cryptonian world, would be in vain ...

The only thing you can do the best, no matter if you are an artist, a book seller, a cook or any soul with sacred crafts, just be creative here on #hive #blockchain like my buddy CryptoBee and remain in a chillax mode like my buddy Jack Skellington, enjoying drinking a coffee, or a tea, while reading a magical book ...


Ciao a tutti ...
