Happy B'day Uniswap!


Yeah, I'm a day late to express my birthday wishes to Uniswap, nevertheless I'd like to wish Uniswap a happening third year ahead!

I'd like to give credit to Uniswap for the undying DeFi and AMM craze in the crypto world. Thanks to DeFi craze, the blockchain industry has found a new dimension and a new direction for its evolution.

I wish Uniswap comes up with its v3 soon and cement its market leadership with its new innovations.

With 25% of all Ethereum transactions happening on Uniswap, it has some very fascinating figures to its long list of achievements in a short span of 2 years of its existence:

  • 88k UNI holders
  • 393k unique addresses
  • 14M trades
  • 14.8k trading pairs
  • 1000+ new pairs per week
  • 30B all time volume
  • 90M all time LP fees
  • 2.9B in liquidity
  • Over 100K Twitter followers
  • 32k discord members
  • 5.3k governance forum members
  • 9.4k subreddit users
  • 200+ integrations
  • 1592 governance delegates
    [Data as on 13th October, 2020]

Uniswap won many hearts when it airdropped its governance token $UNI in September, 2020 to all its users (worth over $1000 to each user).

This was its trump card to compete with several upcoming forked food tokens like SUSHI.

Interestingly, the launch of dozens of food tokens had some affect on the name of Uniswap's token UNI too. Japanese "uni" which is pronounced as "oo-nee" means sea urchin gonads. This lead Uniswap founder Hayden Adams to clarify the UNI's pronunciation as "you-nee" and what it stood for - either "unicorn" or "one".


Another interesting fact about UNI discovered by dogetoshi is:


It's an amazing coincidence that UNI's Ethereum token contract address is:

If we ignore the standard prefix 0x, we see the first and last 5 digits are same as 1f984 which is also the unicode code for Uniswap emoji.

I also keep learning about several new and very useful integrations to Uniswap protocol almost daily. Recently, TradingView integrated Uniswap Protocol into its platform enabling to chart tokens listed on Uniswap Exchange.

Someone recently created this tool that can calculate historic impermanent loss. It also enables calculation for pools for more than 2 assets with varying weights. It could be of immense help when deciding on which pool to invest in. However, the number of tokens available with this tool are quite limited at this time.

But the point is that so many interesting integrations make Uniswap Protocol indispensable. It also brings in more user-friendliness with so many developers & projects working on it.

On its birthday, here is to more success and glory to Uniswap Protocol!


Hola xyzashu,

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Wow, Uniswap birthday! 🎂 Any irdrap?
