Splinterlands - Legendaries Are Cheaper Compare to Commons? (Weekly Post)



This post is mostly targeted to new players and beginners who are building their deck collection. Today I want to point out the benefits of earning common cards and holding them long term. Please understand information in this post is a combination of the multiple years of experience I have with playing Splinterlands and daily visitor of the card open markets. Its not financial advice but for entertainment purposes only.

Reward Cards



The current reward cards in print have a lot of commons won by players compare to rares, epics, and legends. Often cards won are most likely commons. For players who feel they have too many commons and wish to trade for cards they do not have it should be clear that it will take more common cards to level up versus rare and rare versus epic and epic versus legendary. Lets look at a example of common max level card versus legendary max level card for example.



Compare the common Pelacor Mercenary and the legend Djinn Biljka notice it takes 400 common to max level to 10 while 11 legend to max level to 4. 400 cards is a lot and if we round out each common at $0.20 for easy math:

$0.20 x 400 = $80.00 , to max Pelacor Mercenary

For legend it is actually slightly more per bcx and to simplify math we round it to $20 each.

$20.00 x 11 = $220.00 , to max Djinn Biljka

You maybe thinking well why would it be cheaper to buy legendary than common if it costs almost 3 times to max a legendary card than a common card? This is where we need to rely in time to have the cards appreciate. As time passes more of the cards are rewarded to players and sooner or later the cards become out of print. When they care out of print prices likely begin to rise. This is where it is important to realize the rise in price per common card will factor in the cost of buying a max common.

Here is an example of a common reward card that was first introduced in the Splinterlands game and is now no longer in print. The Goblin Mech.


Currently in market a max level 10 Goblin Mech will put you back $600! That is almost three times as much as the max legendary Djinn Biljka


Card Print Limits

Each new series of rewards cards introduced tend to come in as more prints than previous series. This makes it more cards in circulation in newer versions and likely lower in cost due to the bigger supply. However at the end of the day when the cards reach their supply limit the ones who hold their original commons and never sold will likely limit the supply. Therefore making price of remaining cards in the market rise. When prices of a common card rises its going to be a factor of 400 cards for every price rise compare to legendary a factor of 11 cards.

For instance if our example earlier Pelacor Mercenary rises to a base cost of $0.30 it will be an increase of $120 for 400 cards to max the monster. While if the legendary Djinn Biljka also rose in price to $30 per a card it would be an increase of $110 for 11 cards to max the monster.

In the long run common cards will be very expensive to level up so it is wise to keep the earned reward commons for long term. Some of the best price common cards that became out of print are costing nearly $10 for 1 bcx. Of course multiple stacked cards is a bit less costly per bcx but it still is expensive compare to newer cards.



Be a hodler of common reward cards and you won't regret it in the future. Yet sometimes you may feel it is necessary to have a legendary or higher rarity card for sake of playing better. It is still fine to trade one card for another to make your deck better. You just need to figure out if the current trades you make from common to higher rarity cards is will outweigh the future price appreciation of the commons you move on from.

I end the post by recommending using earn DEC to purchase legendary reward cards if you so choose to need them in your collection rather than selling common cards to trade for the legends. Specific to game play the only way to get better is by having more cards. Whether they are common or up to legend it helps to have more cards. The legends will take less purchases to level up even though each base card is worth a lot more than commons. Still when we combine the amount of cards for common to max level it is clear it will cost a pretty penny to do so.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you are interested to learn more about Splinterlands please go through some of my other posts. Order is from newest to oldest posts:

Splinterlands - Securing Your Cards From Hackers

Everything About Dark Energy

All You Want To Know About Reward Chests

SPS White Paper Cliff Notes

Helpful Links for New and Veteran Players

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



In the long run common cards will be very expensive to level up so it is wise to keep the earned reward commons for long term. Some of the best price common cards that became out of print are costing nearly $10 for 1 bcx. Of course multiple stacked cards is a bit less costly per bcx but it still is expensive compare to newer cards.

This is a very good advice.


I think something wrong with Normal BCX, Gold BCX and BCX. I don't know what wrong. It looks so strange. !PIZZA


Why wrong? gold foil legend not many printed compared to regular legends. Also BCX is BCX burned. That is how many cards got burned for DEC. I think the numbers look normal.


The first 3 ever legendary rewards snapshot above. Not even 10k regulars and less than 200 gold foil. Also look at how many burned cards, esp. Sacred Unicorn where over 20% in circulation is burned never to ever exist again. Multiple the regular and gold foils by 3x its about the same as current new legendary cards. !PIZZA


Thanks for explanation Sir. Now I know about the columns.

They are Normal, Gold and Burn BCX.


@mawit07! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.
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wow !LUV !PIZZA !LOL !WINE thanks


Thanks for this interesting article! I am relatively new to the game and only sold a handful of cards when there was a good opportunity to flip. Usually I keep the rewards anyway in order to grow my collection at the moment and try to level them up to lvl 2, then put the cards I do not need for playing up for rent until I have enough copies to level them up again.


Good pointers man keep it up, this is a big help for newbies for them to start at the right path. lol, anyways I'm also keeping all my common/rare cards to level them up. They are easy to collect as you can always get them in your daily quest and they actually play a big role when they reach high levels and gain extra skills.
Thank you again man! ♥
