RE: My Nominations for the Top 3 Monthly Contest - FAVORITE AUTHORS

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Oh I'm so happy you joined us this month! I very much enjoyed reading your post. I have some new authors to check out as I haven't read anything from the first and third authors! I think I've seen "Waiting to Exhale", but should have known there was a book behind it. I generally enjoy the books more than the movies/shows, as well. You can create your own version of the story and characters in your mind when reading a book, and more often than not it is not quite the same when someone else interprets it onto film. Excellent choices and good luck in the dpoll!


Thank you very much. The moment I saw your contest, I knew I wanted to join in. My books raised me in a way my parents never could. They didn't understand. I had so many at one point, I couldn't keep them all and had to donate them to the local library. I hated to part with them, but they were literally being destroyed in my attic.

It took several hours for me just to find the ones I wrote about. Now I have a new project to tend to...organizing my bookshelf and attic. Years ago, I started to make an excel spreadsheet of my inventory. Think I'll try to find it again.

Appreciate your encouragement and support. Have a great day.
