Dcity Update - 5 x Universities + 3 Weed Farms

Hey folks, seems like i haven't done a Dcity update for a while. Over the last few days i have bought 5 Universities @ 495 sim each in order to increase my Education stats. I now have 81 education meaning that I now have a 2% chance of discovering a Technology card each day. You get get 1% for every 40 Education 😀


Yesterday I bought 3 x Weed Farms for 3.78 hive each since that's quite cheap really compared to the usual price of about 1 hive more and today i also got 2 Basic Homes @ 250 sim each to cover some of the workers I need.

The taxes have been really crazy recently but we have a new president now so it should start to improve hopefully.

Peace, G.

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