Scent Leaves and Its Healing Ability



The scent leaves and It's Healing ability

Hello everyone how are you today? Today is a wonderful day to everyone. I was having health challenges for few weeks ago, and I decided to travel down from my working place to my native home. I have bought so many drugs in other to cure my catarrh, cough, and running stomach and cold. To not avail, all what I was using was not effective.
Sometimes don't just depend on synthetic drugs. I was dependent on synthetic drugs and whatever happens to me, I run to hospital for check up and they give me note of drugs to buy. I knew this is how many people spend their lives nowadays. I don't say, synthetic drugs are not good but sometimes taking natural medicine is not bad. If I continue taking synthetic drugs up till now, I wouldn't have been cured by now.
On getting home, I told my brother's wife the long ordeal I have been suffered in my Health. What came out of her mouth was that, "chris is this health challenges you have been spending your money on for the past two weeks ? don't worry, I will only give your leaves and after that you won't hear of all theses symptoms again." I was surprised of what the leave could be, I think she will go to somewhere and buy the leave. I was thinking the leave would be expensive if the leave could cured as much as she said. I was thinking, probably I would pay up to $20 for the leave.
She went quietly to the back of the yard and said this is the leave. I never know that it was the leave I know very well. She told me to remove the leaves from the stalk; I did so. She told me to wash the leave, after washing the leaves, she told me to squeeze the water out of the leave. For 20 minutes, I was squeezing the leaves, finally I squeezed the whole leaves and I got small water out of the leaves.

IMG_20210718_160050_578.jpg This Is The Scent leaves

She told me to sieve it and add little salt with the water. After that, she said I should take it early in the morning before eating anything. When it was in the morning, I took the scent leaves water, she told me to drink water. After 20 minutes, my stomach begging to make noice.

IMG_20210718_160423_714.jpgThis Is When I Removed The Stalk

IMG_20210718_160841_787.jpgThis Is When I Squeezed It to Remove Water From It

IMG_20210718_161621_177.jpg This Is When I Added Salt And stirred It Together

IMG_20210718_161218_391.jpgThis is When I Finished The Whole Process And I Drank It

The second day, I did the whole process again, and in the third day, I repeated the whole process.
I discovered that, the first day I took it. The second day I went to toilet. The medicine have watched my bowel and my stomach. When I went to toilet, the faeces that came out was very dark with so many things. I stopped purging, my stomach did not make noice again. After the third day, my headache stopped, the cough and catarrh also stopped. My health permanent restored.
We should not get sick before starting looking for remedy. This leave is very good for our health, it is something you can be taking once in a blue moon. One of the major things I knew about this leave is that, it boost your immune systems. Taking it once in a week is good and it will make you healthy. You can grand this leave and make soup with it.
HOW DO I KNOW THAT IT BOOST MY IMMUNE SYSTEMS: After few days I spent in my native home. I went back to city to continue my job, I went back to the same hospital for check up. After series of test, The doctor said "my immune systems increase sporadically. The last time you came, it was very down. You did not have the symptoms of gastrointestinal tract disease, no more catarrh, no more headache, no more cough". The doctor thought that, it was the drugs that he wrote for me but I told him that, after few days of taking drugs, when there was no sign of improvement. I went to my home and I was treated.
I promise myself, I won't get sick before I will remember to take the this scent leaves.
WHAT OTHER THINGS WE CAN USE SCENT LEAVES FOR? Believe me this leave is good, it can also be cook as soup to eat anything, you can also mix it with other leaves for other health related conditions. "Health is wealth" make sure you take care of your health. I couldn't go to work for two weeks, which simply means my health first likewise you. It is when you are healthy, you will remember that you need money to buy car, house and other things. Make sure you take care of your health. Thank you for reading this article.
