Have you ever been in a traffic accident? What happened? || BLOGGING CHALLENGE



¿Has estado alguna vez en un accidente de trafico?

Have you ever been in a traffic accident?

El día de mi cumpleaños número seis viví mi primer accidente de transito, el cual me doy cuenta quedó como huella en mi memoria a pesar de no haber sido algo grave.

On my sixth birthday I had my first traffic accident, which I realize remained as a mark in my memory even though it was not serious.


Iba en un autobús en camino a la celebración de mi cumpleaños, acompañada de mi madre y hermano menor; no quisimos que fueran por nosotros porque estábamos cerca del destino. El chófer conducía con moderación, sin alta velocidad, muy cuidadoso, pero en esa ocasión su prudencia no bastó, y lamentablemente recibió un impacto por otro vehículo, en la parte trasera del autobús.

I was on a bus on my way to my birthday celebration, accompanied by my mother and younger brother; we did not want them to pick us up because we were close to our destination. The driver drove with moderation, without high speed, very careful, but on that occasion his prudence was not enough, and unfortunately he was hit by another vehicle, in the back of the bus.

Photo by Joshua Song

Para el momento yo me ubicaba sentada justo detrás del conductor, y esos asientos tienen una protección al frente, es un posamanos o barra protectora metálica en forma de "T" acostada, la que sirvió de mucho, porque logró detenerme al momento del choque, pero con esa misma protección me golpeé en la boca y me rompí el labio superior, así que terminé pasando mi fiesta de cumpleaños con el labio inflamado y adolorido.

At the time I was sitting right behind the driver, and those seats have a protection at the front, it is a handrail or metal protective bar in the shape of a "T" lying down, which served a lot, because it managed to stop me at the time of the crash, but with that same protection I hit my mouth and broke my upper lip, so I ended up spending my birthday party with a swollen and sore lip.

Photo by Lucian Alexe

Este acontecimiento me hizo entender que siempre, siempre, hay que tomar medidas de seguridad cuando se va en un vehiculo, no podemos suponer que no sucederá algo solo porque el conductor maneje a una velocidad mínima, ya que no sabemos que pueda depararnos el entorno, y es mejor prevenir que lamentar. En mi caso sufrí un "pequeño" golpe, pero si no hubiese tenido esa barra de seguridad, la historia sería distinta y peor.

This event made me understand that it is always, always necessary to take safety measures when riding in a vehicle, we cannot assume that something will not happen just because the driver drives at a minimum speed, since we do not know what the environment may have in store for us, and it is better to be safe than sorry. In my case I suffered a "small" blow, but if I had not had that safety bar, the story would be different and worse.

Confieso que he pensando en posibles situaciones de riesgo durante un viaje en auto, y me planteo la posibles reacciones; no sé si sean traumas, a partir de lo vivido en ese accidente, aunque realmente lo considero más como planteamientos de superviviencia.

I confess that I have thought about possible risk situations during a car trip, and I wonder about the possible reactions; I don't know if they are traumas, based on what I experienced in that accident, although I really consider them more as survival approaches.

Gracias por permitirme ser parte de tu presente.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your present.


English translations made with DeepL


I can not remember if it comes to my childhood.

My car once slides at the back of another car while parking on an icy road. My car had a bit damage the other car not.

I was passed by someone high speeding on the highway. He pushed me off the road. My car had no damage as it stopped 1 cm before the guard rail. No damage just a shock. As I drove on I passed by the same car. It had hit someone else.
