Don't get attached to the 10% that doesn't support you

How many times in life do we cling to the 10% that does not support us and only criticizes us, besides envying us and wanting to see our end. But we should do it the other way around, and try to cling to what makes us grow, and makes us feel better.


Sooner or later, life takes a toll on us, and when we see it, we miss out on opportunities to do things because of people who didn't support us. Our dreams come true when we create goals and don't create so many expectations.

Don't wait to be supported to make it happen, you only depend on you...

Don't just try to gather the crumbs and survive with it, you were born to make a difference, and nothing can stop you. Nobody can stop you but yourself... think about it.

Certainly there are things that happen for our good, and we need to understand and understand every detail, nothing can go unnoticed. Don't get attached to the people who turn you off, who hurt you, who despise you, you have value and you need to understand this, no one can erase the glow of light that is in you.

Your inner light is most important...

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Wow, great thought dear. Loved it. Recently we can see a no. Of similar types of post on POB community and i too also write about such things. It's good to see growth of a perticular niche on POB that we can proud of. I would have to say no matter the recent drama here but the quality of content is improved here that's for sure and that is a good sign for POB. Let's together celebrate life and keep bringing positivity. What's better than inspiring and motivating someone. Coming back to your post, I would like to say that we should surround ourselves with positive people only, because energies transfer from one another so always be in positive company. Have a Great Day 😊🙏

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Thank you for your visit..

Positive people by our side make us more positive and help us to improve more and more and feel that yes, we can reach the top if we wish.

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Definitely,what is the essence of connection or intimacy that add no value or that brings less value to ones life,it is not a must you move with everyone that comes your way, scrutinized those you move with and your intimacy or attachment with them should yield a better results in your life,you be be better when you meet them than before they all came into your life,if your attachment wit people is not making you a better person,then such attachment is a perfect waste of time

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I'm just seeing this post this late. We all tend to focus and put more energy on things that do not benefit us.

I think all this happens because we do not have faith in our self that we can do it. We tend to depend on other people for help and support. We procrastinate and always feel lazy to make the big move for change.

Don't wait to be supported to make it happen, you only depend on you.

If only we all have this believe and put the whole energy we are putting on others and invest it on ourselves we will see a positive outcome.

The 10% we put out there if only we can put 5% of it on ourselves things will really go far more than it is not.

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