You are not yet what you will become/ Persistence # 003 (ENG/ESP)



Each title of the week for me has become a moment to stop my surroundings, I feel I choose a position that allows me to see a little how beautiful a sky can be with its blue pain background and its clouds in constant movement, a temperature close to 32 ° degrees Celsius, in a refreshing drink. The latter cannot be absent.

I'm sure what I could capture here some words and give you a concept about what persistence is and its different variants and definitions, but self-love I think what can and I want more help If we make this something practical, in this way I can be certain of what there will be a higher percentage in the retentive.

In our life there are lessons which we do not learn.While they are in theory, then as time passes when putting it into practice makes us learn the lesson, do you remember that advice about respecting the traffic rules Or if not at some point it would be the lucky winner of an infraction which later reduced their weekly budget since they usually use this mechanism as pressure!
This just to give an everyday example.

It is difficult to look at the sides and what maybe there is something that is not the product of persistence, notice that every day we feed our body with the conviction of persisting and reaching the next day.
While you and I are doing what we like out there, there is someone persisting to improve something that already exists or that does not yet exist, last year a race full of persistence was unleashed to find a solution to what some people currently maintain. of us locked up.

In daily life


Someone out there today decides to persist and abstain from a narcotic.
perhaps because of this he has lost a loved one or worse, having everything he no longer has anything.

As far as progress is concerned


Every 6 months or less comes a mobile device with twice the features that now the most powerful one can have, perhaps that is not Persistence. In ancient times, the life expectancy was only 35 years and today it is around 73 years in developed countries!
Only with the arrival of 5G a Doctor can be in China and his patient who is going to perform an operation in the West and thanks to the latency or that this provides, it is possible that it will be carried out, heck this shows that it is a matter of years to lower the demand for travel to carry out operations!

Cretins also know how to use Persistence


Even in the worst case, such as the fact that a politician continues to persist Day after day to keep the people deceived from him ... what a way to use persistence, more than one identifies with this type of persistence.

The indisputable winner of Persistence


In my opinion, the prize for persistence goes to the heart of this organ, since we are in our mother's womb, I begin an unbreakable career of persistence, and just when it stops persisting she dies. Perhaps there is a better example for persistence, come on friend yesterday, the present is gone today, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. What do you think it should be like to persist!

We are surrounded by Persistence


If this word is an essential ingredient for so many aspects of what we call home (World) Giving up is not an option, our environment will never stop persisting as long as we stay one step ahead and you decide when to stop. I hope this is not when we need a little help the most. The world is parked right now and is just starting to warm up, this break is just a golden opportunity to use persistence at what you are really good at!

Take advantage and leave your comment I know that out there there is much more for what it is worth the effort to continue being a #Persistence team

En Español

Cada título de la semana para mi se ha convertido en un momento para detener mi entorno, me siento escojo una posición que me permita ver un poco lo hermoso que puede ser un cielo con su fondo dolor azul y sus nubes en constante movimiento, una temperatura cercana a los 32° grados centígrados, en una bebida refrescante Esta última no puede faltar.

Estoy seguro qué podría plasmar acá algunas palabras y darte un concepto sobre Qué es la persistencia y sus diferentes variantes y definiciones, pero amor propio creo qué puede y deseo de más ayuda Si volvemos esto algo práctico, de esta manera puedo tener la certeza de qué habrá un porcentaje más alto en la retentiva.

En nuestro pasó por la vida hay lecciones las cuales no aprendemos Mientras están en la teoría, luego al pasar el tiempo al llevarla a la práctica nos hace aprender la lección, recuerdas aquel consejo sobre respetar las normas de tránsito O sino en algún momento sería el afortunado ganador de una infracción la que luego mermara su presupuesto semanal ya que por lo general suelen usar este mecanismo como presión!
Esto por solo poner un ejemplo cotidiano.

Es difícil mirar a los lados y qué Acaso hay algo lo cual no sea producto de la persistencia, fijate que a diario alimentamos nuestro cuerpo con la convicción de persistir y llegar al siguiente día.
mientras tú y yo estamos haciendo lo que nos gusta ahí afuera hay alguna persona persistiendo por mejorar algo que ya existe o que aún no existe, el año pasado se desato una carrera cargada de persistencia por encontrar una solución a lo que en la actualidad mantiene algunos de nosotros encerrados.

En la vida cotidiana


Ahí afuera alguien hoy decíde persistir y abstenerse a un narcótico.
quizás por culpa de esto ha perdido un ser querido o peor aún teniéndolo todo ya no tiene nada.

En cuanto avances se refiere


Cada 6 meses o menos sale un dispositivo movil con el doble de caracteristicas que ahora pueda tener el mas potente, acaso eso no es Persistencia. En la antiguedad la estimacion de vida era de solo 35 años y en la actualidad ronda los 73 años en paises desarrollados!
Solo con la llegada del 5G un Doctor puede estar en China y su paciente al cual va a realizarle una operacion en Occidente y gracias a la latencia 0 que esta brinda, es posible que se lleve a cabo, rayos esto deja ver que es cuestion de años para que baje la demanda de viajes para realizar operaciones!

Los Cretinos tambien saben usar la Persistencia


Hasta en el peor de los casos como puede ser el hecho de que un político sigue persistiendo Día tras día para mantener engañado a su pueblo... vaya qué manera de utilizar la persistencia más de uno se identifica con este tipo de persistencia.

El ganador indicutible de la Persistencia


Para mi concepto el premio a la persistencia se lo lleva el corazón este órgano desde que estamos en el vientre de nuestra madre comienzo una carrera inquebrantable de persistencia, y justo cuando ya deja de persistir muere. Acaso hay un mejor ejemplo para la persistencia, vamos amigo el ayer ya se fue el presente hoy mañana no está prometido para nadie. ¿Tu como piensas que deba ser persistir!

Estamos rodeados de Persistencia


Si esta palabra es un ingrediente esencial para tantos aspectos en esto que llamamos hogar (Mundo) Rendirte no es una opcion, nuestro entorno nunca dejara de persistir siempre y cuando nos mantengamos un paso adelante y tu decides cuando parar. Espero no sea en este momento cuando mas necesitamos un poco de ayuda. El mundo esta estacionado ahora mismo y apenas comienza a calentar motores, esta pausa solo es una oportunidad de oro para utilizar la persistencia en eso que eres realmente bueno!

Aprovecha y deja tu comentario se que allí afuera hay mucho más por lo que vale el esfuerzo el seguir siendo del team #Persistencia

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The heart is definitely one strong muscle. Keeps on going from even before we're born till the time we die with no rest. That's persistence. :)

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I really liked the mention of the heart from @clicmaster too. It was a cool little reminder that every one of us has at least some measure of persistence in us whether we like it or not.

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if this is an infallible brand for those who resign themselves to saying that everything is against it.

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Thank you and just like you say even before being born our heart is already putting perception into practice!

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I liked all the different examples you gave of persistence in this world, some creative thinking there ranging from politicians to the heart. A constant reminder that something deep inside is keeping us alive for a reason to persist.

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I loved the way you used to illustrate persistence with the things in life.

It really made me reflect even more!


I am very grateful that a positive effect has emerged on you, it fills me in a great way knowing that I made a small contribution to your life, this is priceless!

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We have witnessed a lot of people use persistence in ways that are unexplainable or indescribable

The doctors soon will have to wait at one end, and carry out an operation without a need to transfer patients around the world

The politician will continue to deceive the people with no remorse. Someone will determine to stop a certain bad habit and may likely lose a lover as a result of this change

All of this, and more is persistency that nature and humans portray on a daily basis and the world doesn't seem as though it will stop.

This was so thoughtful of you

I wish you luck in the contest dear

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Thanks a lot of what is written there are experiences converted into letters and I am very happy that you have enjoyed it, greetings and successes!

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