Token Swap Now On CoinMarketCap


CoinMarketCap keeps updating and adding new features in order to increase its user base.

In today’s video, I will be taking you through one such feature- Token Swap Feature (

This feature will provide you the ability to swap your tokens on the CoinMarketCap website.

What Networks, Wallets and DEXs Does CoinMarketCap TokenSwap Support?

Supported DEXs
Currently, Uniswap.

Supported Wallets

At this time, wallets supported by Uniswap will also be available for the CoinMarketCap token swap (MetaMask, WalletConnect, Coinbase Wallet, Fortmatic and Portis).

Supported Networks
Ethereum is the network supported at this time.

For more information on how to Use Token Swaps on CoinMarketCap, please watch the video.

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