Do we need a TOPIC for new users on the POB front end?



Hello my friends!

Since the beginning, when we were talking about the first updates that POB could bring and emerge and before all those confusions that came later, I remember some topics that were mentioned and that to this day nothing has been done. And ok, I understand why everything. But among several important use cases for the Token POB is something that would be simple to do I believe. A welcome post for new users and pinned to the home page or trending or new... In a way that would always be seen.

Another thing, is it possible to check people's profiles here so that they have a verification seal? Anything similar to what happens with the communities that still exist on Steemit? This would be something interesting even for control of members and especially for curation.

Today we have some posts and beginner's guides, but you need to be on the lookout and reading to find them. In @scholaris posts for example in each WOTW challenge it's there. The problem I know is that almost none of the novices will read or pay attention. There are old people here who, to this day, I believe do not know how to use a Markdown for their texts for the posts I see...

Whenever I bring a new person here, I give a tutorial and several important tips about the behavior to make posts, tags to be used, and other things that I always keep an eye on and let me know if something goes wrong. After all, we were all new to something once and making mistakes is normal, but the important thing is to know that you made a mistake and to be corrected in order to progress here. @hudsonjr1 say. We spent hours on the phone on the first day explaining various things to him and then I was always monitoring his steps in here and I see how he has been on his own without making any serious mistakes. And I also say how important it is to give Stake. I know that in the world we live in, in some places, the value of POB exchanged for money has helped many people (I'm one of them included), but I never stopped giving a stake in my earnings, because I also think about the long term. It wouldn't be logical for you to just take 100% always and never put anything on Power and still want to keep earning always while others are struggling to make it grow...

Based on all of this, these are things that could be threaded, and tracked even for gains within the tribe through curation votes. Besides that people would go through a learning processor and knowing what should be done correctly. And when this is going to bring other people, she will know even better to explain. If not, everything turns into a party and a mess with the arrival of several people and several accounts being created to take some advantage of the earnings while we still have a good amount of rewards around here. And as I have already seen and alerted some users...

Tell me your opinions about this and ideas also if applicable. It's a nice discussion to have I believe!

A good week!



Precisamos de um destaque para novos usuários na front-end POB?

Olá meus amigos!

Desde os primórdios quando aqui se falava das primeiras atualizações que o POB poderia trazer e surgir e antes de todas aquelas confusões que vieram acontecer tempos depois eu lembro de uns tópicos que foram mencionados e que até hoje nada foi feito. E ok, eu entendo porquê de tudo. Mas dentre vários importantes como casos de uso para o Token POB tem algo que seria simples ser feito eu acredito. Um post de boas vindas para novos usuários e fixado na página inicial ou trending ou new... De uma maneira que sempre fosse visto.

Outra coisa, é possível verificar perfil das pessoas aqui para que elas tenham um selo de verificação? Algo semelhante com que acontece com as comunidades que existem ainda lá no Steemit? Isso seria algo interessante até para controle de membros e principalmente para curadoria.

Hoje nós temos alguns posts e guias para iniciantes, mas você precisa estar atento e lendo para achar eles. Nos posts do @scholaris por exemplo em cada desafio do WOTW isso está lá. O problema que eu sei que quase ninguém dos novatos vai ler ou dar atenção. Tem gente velha aqui que até hoje eu acredito que não sabe usar um Markdown para seus textos pelos posts que eu vejo...

Sempre quando eu trago uma pessoa nova para cá, eu passo um tutorial e várias dicas importantes sobre o comportamento para fazer post, tags para serem usadas, além de outras coisas que eu fico sempre de olho e aviso caso algo saia de maneira errada. Afinal, todos nós fomos novatos um dia em alguma coisa e errar é normal, mas o importante é saber que errou e ser corrigido para poder progredir aqui dentro. @hudsonjr1 que diga. Ficamos horas no telefone no primeiro dia explicando várias coisas para ele e depois sempre fui monitorando seus passos aqui dentro e vejo como ele tem seguido já sozinho sem cometer erros graves. E eu também falo o quanto é importante dar Stake. Eu sei que no mundo em que vivemos em alguns lugares o valor do POB trocado por dinheiro tem ajudado muitas pessoas (eu sou uma delas inclusive), mas nunca deixei de dar stake nos meus ganhos, porque também penso a longo prazo. Não seria lógico você apenas tirar 100% sempre e nunca colocar nada em Power e ainda assim querer continuar ganhando sempre enquanto os outros estão lutando para fazer isso crescer...

Baseado em tudo isso, são coisas que poderiam ser colocadas em tópicos, e monitorados até para ganhos dentro da tribo através dos votos de curadoria. Além que as pessoas passariam por um processor de aprendizado e sabendo o que deveria ser feito corretamente. E quanto essa for trazer outras pessoas ela já saberá até melhor para explicar. Se não, tudo vira festa e uma bagunça com a chegada de várias pessoas e várias contas sendo criadas para tirar alguma vantagem dos ganhos enquanto ainda temos um bom valor de recompensas por aqui. E como eu já tenho visto e alertado alguns usuários...

Me digam suas opiniões quanto a isso e ideias também se for o caso. É uma bela discussão para termos eu acredito!

Uma boa semana!


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Anything that would be useful is a great addition. I'm relatively new and it can be very overwhelming at first. Lots to learn and where to go, I tend to ask a lot of questions and everyone has been very nice. This is a great thing and keeps me motivated.



Glad to hear that this could really be helpful.

Tell me something now. Have you seen about POB's WOTW?


No I have not seen that yet and I don't know what wotw means. I'm still pretty new as I mentioned 😀


WOTW stands for word of the week. It’s a contest that started early April. It presents a word every week that people write about and is graded on a set number of criteria. People write an article about the selected word and compete for rewards.


This sounds like some fun, I'll need to look more into this. Thanks for the explanation


I could make a reference post with as many tools and standards I can find. Everyone can use that link for any new user they see online. To reduce the amount of content I could split them into categories like: plagiarism, hive tools, or anything else the group finds necessary.


There is a trick here though that I didn’t initially consider. I can only write in English. My Spanish isn’t where it needs to be. I am willing to do extra research For those who can write in another language. Hive is particular about reposting in different languages.


But would these guides be somehow fixed on trendin or news? It would have to be something that everyone could always see.

I believe this would make the job easier. And if we could give some kind of seal to verified users, it would be even better!

As for the Guides in other languages, if you need me to do the Portuguese version I can do it.


I can’t do anything for the current front end but maybe something would be possible for I’ll have to ask about it.


@leprechaun will probably be able to tell us.

And if our own front-end is 100% ready to use without any serious problems, we could already start to spread the word more about its use.


It's ready to use in my opinion. There are just a couple of things to add that would allow people to use it exclusively. For me, it's the notification icon that tells me when there's a new message. Also, tags displays for POB is another. However, the more people that utilize it the more info we'll get. It's all helpful for Leprechaun.



I will focus on promoting our front-end.


@ocd team contacts the new users when they write their first post all these links are provided to them and their progress is monitored as far as I know. So most new users should if they are interested be able to find these things out for themselves.


Yes! I've seen their system on this issue.

It would be nice to see something similar here on POB


Your right about that, talking about beginners guide in the platform which is very important and @scholaris do well to to send the link to every new user in the platform who made an introduction post to indicate they are just joining the platform newly.

Talking about this introduction post is the only way we can get to no a new user here and I can bet and tell you not all of them gives introduction post rather they join to do whatever they want and fall victim to be in spaminator list which is there our course but however is the person who is adding them in the platform can do well to make necessary explanation to them when they are joining the platform then that will help and go a long way too in alerting them on how the community works.


Você está certo sobre isso, falando sobre guia para iniciantes na plataforma que é muito importante e @scholaris faria bem em enviar o link para cada novo usuário na plataforma que fez um post de introdução para indicar que eles estão ingressando na plataforma recentemente.

Falar sobre este post de introdução é a única maneira de não conseguirmos um novo usuário aqui e posso apostar e dizer que nem todos eles fornecem post de introdução, em vez disso, eles se juntam para fazer o que querem e são vítimas de estar na lista de spaminator, que é lá está o nosso curso, mas no entanto, a pessoa que os está adicionando na plataforma pode fazer bem em dar as explicações necessárias para eles quando eles estiverem entrando na plataforma, isso vai ajudar e percorrer um longo caminho também para alertá-los sobre como a comunidade funciona.

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kkkkkk falou tudo, meu velho. Eu tive a sorte de ter sido chamado por você, que é alguém que conhece bem sobre tudo aqui e tem muita boa vontade de explicar do absoluto zero. Sinceramente, sem alguém assim ajudando seria extremamente desanimador.


Exatamente! Ou o fato da pessoa achar que tudo é fácil e vira a casa da mãe joana achando que pode fazer o que quiser...


É.. também tem essa possibilidade.


That's a good idea, giving more visibility to new authors is a way to encourage their participation in this social network. Now I would also love it if there was a way to list all the tags, so that they are not only seen but also explained, because it often happens that many authors place these tags blindly, and obviously they tend to lose presence and opportunities for votes by directing their efforts to where they will not be supported. Greetings

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The Tags idea is great too!

Really those who start feel very confused in the beginning if no one helps in this matter.
