One Important Principle of Goal-Setting

Things happen.png

Do you have dreams in life?


Great. Have you written them down?


That's even better. That means you have goals!

But now it's time for action.

Are your goals realistic and achievable? Do you have a plan of action? Did you determine a due date by when this goal should be achieved? Have you created smaller "bite-sized" goals to work towards your main goal?

This Is Where "The Rubber Hits The Road"

If you have all those things mentioned above set out and in place, it's wonderful. The excitement is high. You are motivated and full of energy.

You can't wait to start working.

But one month down the line...or maybe two start stressing. You are behind schedule. Maybe the first of your smaller goals took you longer than expected to achieve.

Then, with the second goal, you failed completely.

You had to start over and you had to do something else instead. Now you are so far behind schedule, you'll never make it in time to achieve your main, ultimate goal in time.

It's a lost cause. You might as well quit. It's just the same as last time... This goal-setting stuff is a lot of nonsense and it doesn't work...well at least not for you.

But here is the problem.

I struggled with this myself for many years...and got highly frustrated with myself in the process.

Your goals and your due dates are not set in stone. Be flexible.

It's not a "make or break" situation. Nobody is standing there, holding a gun to your head, saying you will achieve such and such by this date or...

So, why do you do it to yourself then?

Yes, it's awesome to achieve your goals within the time limit you have given yourself. It feels even better when you can achieve them in less time.

But things do not always work out the way we want them to. That's a fact. Make peace with it.

So, what's the point then in setting any goals?

It gives you direction. It gives you a purpose. It gives you something to work towards.

To be without goals is like a ship being on the open ocean without a rudder. No one knows where it will end up and when.

When a ship leaves the harbor, the captain knows exactly what his destination is and by when he should be there.

But he might get delayed by bad weather before he even leaves the harbor.

He might face stormy sea conditions while on his way to his destination and he will be forced to take a different route to avoid stormy waters.

But through careful planning, patience, responsibility, and commitment, the captain will get the ship and his passengers to the wanted destination.

Source: CANVA

It's exactly the same with our goals.

We set our goals and the due dates by which we want to achieve them.

And then we think we can't change it.

Change it.

You have set your goals and at the time of setting them, they looked realistic and achievable. But circumstances change. Then you need to be flexible and change with them.

Life happens...

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. ~ John Lennon

If all goes well and you start reaching due dates before the time, that's awesome. Keep going. Work even harder. But do not change your final due date or set higher goals...yet.

If you encounter difficulties or challenges though, change your strategy and/or if needed, change your due date. But don't just give up. Keep going!

The Difference Between Targets and Goals

Another thing that I figured out for myself, is that there's a difference between targets and goals.

My short-term goals are more like targets. You can even call it milestones if you wish.

But my short-term goals (weekly and monthly) are targets that I need to meet in order to arrive at my yearly goal. My yearly goals will then become targets to hit on the way to achieving 3-year and 5-year goals.

It's all part of the same journey. When looking at your ultimate 5 or 10-year goal, some of your targets will become (short-term) goals. As you then achieve these (short-term) goals, they still are targets on the way to your long-term goal. Does that make sense to you?

Another thing to keep in mind is to maintain a balance. Even though you should be flexible, don't start to "chop-and-change" too quickly.

To start, set a goal with a due date that feels realistic to you.

Setting goals.png
Source: CANVA

In my case, I have set some goals for this year that I want to achieve on the Hive blockchain.

To someone else, it might seem like small goals. To me, they are realistic. Someone else again might think "wow, how are you going to do that?".

Every individual finds himself at a different place. They are your goals.

When you start working towards these (yearly) goals, and you find you are getting ahead of schedule by hitting your targets before their due dates, that's awesome. Keep it like that and work even harder.

Do not change your yearly goal just yet by making it bigger or higher. You are merely ahead of schedule on reaching your targets. Keep your goal as it is until you have achieved your goal.

Then, once you have achieved your goal before the due date, you can start working towards your next goal...for example maybe your goal for the next year.

You might also now decide to maybe make the next yearly goal slightly bigger or higher to stretch yourself a bit.

If you start changing your goal by setting higher goals, based on the fact that you are hitting your targets early, you might not get to the point where you can enjoy actually achieving your goals. Because every time you get closer to achieving your goal, you move your own goal-post.

First, achieve your goal before you try to reach for bigger goals.

If you battle to achieve success within the given time before the due date, by all means, move the date out to another date further on in the future.

Especially if you are making progress, but you are merely behind schedule, do not give up just because you can't make it before the due date. You can still arrive at your destination...just a bit later and you are aware of it.

So, never move your due date to an earlier date. You can rather arrive at your destination at an earlier than expected date, or move your due date to a later date in the future.

In my opinion, that is the one thing we need to remember:

Remain flexible. Nothing is set in stone.

I hope this helps.

Let me know what works for you to help you achieve your goals. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading my post.


You are right brother, this kind of write up breeds success. Nice one


Thank you for your encouraging comment. I do appreciate it.


I do write too, check my blog. Follow i do you same too. Nice one


So true, thanks for sharing. We all needs goals and they should be flexible because "Life does happen".


I believe it's better to do something about the things we can control and rather let go of that which we have no control over.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment and support.


From my perspective this the ideal thing for every youth of this generation that wants to successful in this life.setting agoal in life requires determination and hardwork to achieve it.i encourage everyone here to set a goal starting from today.

Posted via


Very true. Goals are important and give you something to work towards.

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.


how are you dear friend @jacoalberts good afternoon
excellent the points you mention, thank you for inviting us to reflect. I appreciate you sharing your experience on it.
stay safe and take care


Hi @jlufer! I trust to find you well.

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation and for leaving your comment. I am glad you enjoyed reading my post.

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!


I absolutely understand this however unfortunately it's gotten to the point where a lot of my goals now are out of my hands and relying on others so it is hard to be patient.

After you gotten one level. Apparently the universe challenges you with more levels...


Oh wow! Yes if a lot of your goals are now relying on others I can imagine the frustration.

Would they benefit in any way by working on them? If so, I hope they won't disappoint you. Either way, I suppose there's not much you can do about it now by the sound of it...

As you say...just practice patience, patience...and some more patience... I hope it works out well.

After you gotten one level. Apparently the universe challenges you with more levels...

Yes, there never seems to be a shortage of challenges... Absolutely! It's exactly as you say...just as you think you overcame one there are several others waiting.

Anyhow, while practicing patience and perseverance I truly wish you great success in achieving all your goals.

Maybe do some posts and share with us how it's going for you?

Who knows, maybe it gives some inspiration to those other people who you are waiting for when they see you talking about those goals and they realize that they are actually involved... (...Just an idea...?)


With my native American enrollment into my tribe all of this has been waiting for 42 years and has been an entire game of politics.

Frankly I've pretty much given up hope but I mean you got to keep going when you're already on that road. Just because I have lost some faith doesn't mean all of it's gone.

But yes the ultimate amount of patience is for you to rely on tribal council to make a determination on your enrollment status. So I just be patient and keep my head down.

And as for work on my enrollment the best thing I can do today is to show up for martial arts class and work on my martial arts certification.

So actually in a roundabout way I am actually doing really well.


Well, I'm glad to hear there is enough light at the end of the tunnel for you to say that you're actually really doing well in spite of all the challenges and frustration...

Let us know how you are doing with your martial arts certification. What style or system are you practicing?


Giron escrima I'm 3 modules into 5. And about to complete module 3 and move onto module 4

And serrada escrima. Under Darren Tibon himself. Grandmaster Darren Tibon. Angels disciples doing angel cabales serrada escrima.



I have 24 years of Filipino martial arts experience and this is the first time I've ever actually been training for certification. It will be a while before I am certified with angel's disciples. However this skill set and skill education progression is something that is just for me and the connection with the rest of my tribe...


That's awesome, man! And 24 Years of Filipino martial arts...that's great!

I wish you all the best for working through you all modules for certification.


Thanks! Yeah it's really working out well. I just keep training.


Thanks for all of this. Very groovy perspective. I currently find myself at a different but not entirely opposite end of the spectrum, although it sure does swing closely, is actively seeking rest. So now that I have soaked in this post, I'll make REST, my goal~!
Now, on another note, :) I want to officially ask if you would be so kind as to allow me to submit your posts next week for curation to @dreemport?
How does this benefit you?
It will give you a few more eyes on your content, and depending on the engagement perhaps some more followers.
How does it help DreemPort?
This project is in testing and and so we are always looking for new quality content and I think yow are well aware that my bride and I are fans of yours.
An important item for you to know is that we point people to your current blog and do not point them away from Hive. (meaning we just direct them to the URL of your blog)
If you want to find out more about DreemPort~! tag @dreemsteem.


Hi @biggerjoe, thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to read my post.

Personally, I think REST is not only a great and beneficial goal to have but one of great importance.

I realize that many people may question this. But in all honesty, I think that rest is being seriously underestimated, thus all the health issues we have today. It's almost like a status symbol to walk around today and brag about how tired you are due to your "busy schedule".

I don't know what your personal motivation is to seek rest, But think it's an awesome goal to have!

On the other It would be an absolute honor for me if you submit my posts next week for curation to @dreemport.

I can clearly see the benefits as a whole to both parties and I am onboard.

Thank you so much for the support I get from both you and your bride. You guys are awesome and I appreciate you.

How can I help to promote your @dreemport project? Please let me know.

I'll make a point of it to chat to @dreemsteem about it as well, thank you.


I cannot agree more!!!! Rest is so vital. SO VITAL.

and my brain does not really do a great job of this. and i'm one of those people who usually jokes about the very little sleep I get. hahaha but... it's more often because I just can't - so i have to laugh about it.

I actually did a post last week - where it was getting pretty serious. I usually get 4 hours of sleep, and this works for me for a while. It's not ideal at all - but it's what I've grown accustomed to..

but last week - it was like 2 hours a night? and I really could feel the stress fractures in my brain! I know that when THOSE times come - its time to shut down or be shut down. (not always my choice - but my brain does have a failsafe)

but my hubby! darn him. LOL He sleeps so well! although he would probably say he doesn't. he sleeps a lot - but i don't thikn he sleeps fully - you know?

the point is.... YOU NAILED IT. rest. it's a gift. and we need to cherish it because we NEED it!!!


and my brain does not really do a great job of this. and i'm one of those people who usually jokes about the very little sleep I get. hahaha but... it's more often because I just can't - so i have to laugh about it.

That sounds like an exact recording of my oldest daughter! She has the same problem and also jokes about it. She always says, "my eyes are closed when I sneeze...that's

Yes, maybe your hubby is sleeping what seems to be for long...but it's not necessarily quality sleep...

Yes, It's a gift indeed and we need to cherish it.

Thank you for your input, I do appreciate it.


oh - and no need to promote DreemPort - but thank you for offering!!!

we are trying to grow oh-so-slowly hehehe
so the little things that we are doing to grow are finding the RIGHT kind of people to expose it to first (aka - yourself hehe)

so that when more and more come - they see that the foundations are made with quality writers and quality engagers (you and you) LOLOL

so - you ARE promoting it. just by bringing your integrity to come alongside ours! hehehe

who knows.. maybe this thing starts to take off little by little and we all look back and go... wow. we all did it :)


Great! Well, thank you once again for including me in this project.

I have lots to learn from you guys, but with regards to DreamPort, I am really looking forward to us all growing together. That will just be awesome! I'm excited about growing in this kind of company!


It's a great day and I hope all is well @jacoalberts. This is the post I'll be submitting to @dreemport for curation. I hope you get a lot of engagement and please ask any questions that you may have.


Setting goals is the first step for achieving them. If you have no goals, you're like a rudderless boat sailing in the ocean that reaches nowhere. I always set goals and try to grab them with my best efforts.


That's awesome to hear, @sunnyag. Goalsetting is a good habit to have and I believe it is essential if you want to achieve any success.

Thank you for giving your input. I appreciate it!


I must say your post is thought-provoking and informative! We cannot succeed without goals and careful planning. Yes, some goals could take time and mistakes can happen along the way to discourage a person, but the DETERMINATION to keep going regardless is what matters!

To be without goals is like a ship being on the open ocean without a rudder. No one knows where it will end up and when.

Well said! I very much enjoyed reading your piece and looking forward to the next one. Thanks for sharing. I found your post through @dreemport! Keep writing. 🙂


I am really glad to hear that you found my post to be thought-provoking and informative.

but the DETERMINATION to keep going regardless is what matters!

I totally agree with you! DETERMINATION is key!

I am glad you enjoyed reading my post and I am looking forward to interacting with you more in the future.

A big shoutout and thank you to @dreemport for sharing my content. It is highly appreciated!


This brings to mind the famous quote that says if you can't run, walk, if you can't walk, crawl, just make sure you are moving. The reason why some of us feel like failures is not because we set unrealistic goals but because we give ourselves unrealistic timelines or perhaps realistic timelines but without factoring in some forces that can make the target not achieved in that particular set time.

That a target isn't achieved at a set time doesn't mean one should quit but it simply means, move the date forward and keep going so long you are making progress. A job that took a long time to finish is better than one left halfway.

Beautiful inspiration here. @dreemport brought me here. Keep the ink flowing


Thank you for leaving such an insightful comment.

No matter how slow you go, just keep going! That is so true and I wish we could get more people to understand that!

I also like what you say about us not setting unrealistic goals, but sometimes it was just an unrealistic timeline.

Oh, and the best...!!

That a target isn't achieved at a set time doesn't mean one should quit but it simply means, move the date forward and keep going so long you are making progress. A job that took a long time to finish is better than one left halfway.

How true is that! Many people tend to just quit and think they've failed just because they didn't make it within a certain timeline!

But they forget (or fail) to look back and see the progress they have made. In my opinion that is the only failure...failing to see the progress that you have made.

I think if they would just take the time to look at their progress, they will find enough inspiration to keep on keeping on!

Thank you for your input. I really do appreciate it!

And a big shoutout and thank you to @dreemport for their support and for sharing my work. I really do appreciate it!


There is something so important in the road to achieve your goals. You don't need to look back or look at the one behind you. All what you need to do is to mind your business.

Move on and do not relent but move on ahead to make your dreams come to reality.

If you are novice, just take a pen, to write out what you need as goal and ensure to pursue it until the end.



Writing down your goals is important indeed. A goal not written down remains a dream.

Thank you for stopping by and for giving your input. I do appreciate it, thank you.

Thank you to @dreemport for sharing my work. I do appreciate it!
