Of Captains and Masters - perspectives in dystopia


There is no particular day that I can single out as being the day that everything changed. The timelines are too contentious to rely on unless I go back to the very beginning. Even then the intransigent mentality which now seeks to overrule human morality and dignity, once enshrined in human rights bills around the world, was not yet active in its pursuit to defile liberty, the last bastion of civilisation.

I am sick. But it is not the virus that is making me ill. I've already been through that shitstorm and it wasn't half as bad as it was made out to be. No, what is turning my stomach is a silent venom that has gone undetected, a seeping malevolence that has slowly pervaded every aspect of our private and public lives. And as humans, we sat back unaware that the temperature of the water was rising...constantly.

Fear. It's a simple 4 letter word but it holds more weight in the English language than any other. For it drives and motivates humans to act in ways that are incomprehensible to the rational-minded, and reprehensible to libertarianism and ethics. Seeds of doubt and mistrust were scattered on the wind, pariahs to our souls.

Rights once enshrined in statute the world over were simply cast aside in sacrifice to "the greater good". First, it was masks that were mandated by law. I could almost understand that, although still felt the infringement on personal liberty to be slightly more than a chore. This later progressed to the requirement of a double jab, vaccination to protect me and my loved ones from contracting the dreaded disease. Failure to adhere to this voluntary immunisation meant that one would face remaining confined to the borders of your homeland forever. Of course, you could leave and go to other countries that permitted your arrival as a guest, but not without the rigmarole and cost of pre-testing and post-testing, effectively maligning once patriots as prisoners of their nationality. Not just an inconvenience to the State but now also considered a threat. I kid you not!

Governments initially mandated that health workers be fully vaccinated against the virus or face dismissal from public and or private employment. Laws were promulgated and enforced. Not content with this alone, the requirement soon morphed into a full mandate across all professions for vaccination against the virus, and failing compliance, one would face a penalty of fines and later imprisonment.

And now...now they seek us out...actively pursue the unvaccinated. Those who choose to defy the orders of government; those who refuse to be bound and shackled to the manacles of irrationality, face certain incarceration, to protect others from their potentiality as carriers of Virus X. It is a nonsense. The statistics speak for themselves. We are no more a threat than the man on the bus in 2018 who sneezed and coughed and put me in bed for a week with the flu.

WE are no longer "one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". We are a broken society, divided by personal lines drawn in the sand, lines which remain devoid of mutual respect, now forever cemented in history.

It is in this future dystopia in 2035, that I am a human being in hiding. I will not give in. I will not enslave myself to another. I will retain control over my life and my choices. The government seeks me out along with the rest of the rebellion. It is decreed. And all I want is the freedom to exercise choice. My choice. This is one thing they will not allow me. They will not let me exercise free will. Even before the jabs became compulsory, they said I had a choice, but I didn't really. Exercising my free will left me with limited options as a citizen of the world; in reality leaving me with no real alternative if I wanted to retain the freedoms that my ancestors had sought to protect. And now even that has been taken from me. I do not understand why we are at war. Aristotle is turning in his grave.

"Hush now", I turn to my children, "wait until they pass". We watch as the tin hats march by. And then we scurry along, like rats in the sewers, living our lives between the dusk and the dawn.


Life is indeed good. It's the summer of '35 and I am sunning myself on a beach on the Costa del Sol. The kids are building sandcastles on the water's edge, bubblegum ice cream melting sticky through little fingers as they declare war on the sea. Laughter permeates the air. Their joy is palpable and pervasive.

I flick through the news highlights on my phone. More on the rebellion. Heavens, when will those people start taking this thing seriously? The only reason I am alive today is that I got vaccinated at the earliest opportunity, and when the time came for my children to be immunised, I was one of the first in line at the doctors' rooms, so grateful for the convenience and blessing of modern medicine.

They complain that their rights have been abrogated. What rights? Those enshrined in our Constitution? Don't they appreciate that we all deserve protection under the law? The Constitution only protects one's rights insofar as the exercise thereof does not infringe on the rights of others. Why can't they see reason and have consideration for others? Why can't they just get vaccinated?

The story bores me now. It has been the same old thing for years. When they failed to listen to reason and complained of inequitable treatment under the law, those who supported vaccination listened, disagreed, and implored them to act responsibly. But year after year our hospitals were overrun, budgets were stretched and lockdowns ensued. the media reported it all. Finally, enough was enough. We wanted our lives back, and we had to take a stand. A call to action was made. The camps were divided but it was a matter of life and death. Yes, people were actually dying here! The government finally took the necessary action and life got back to a new sense of normal for the rest of us law-abiding citizens. I am now free to roam the world and go and do as I please. I am in control of my own life. I have the papers to prove it, although having to carry them everywhere is a chore.

I used to pity the rebellion, but no longer. Now I just wish they'd stop fighting and surrender to that which will bring back normality for everyone.


"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all," source

I am the 49th President of the United States of America. Leader of the free world. Free only because we have finally got the virus under control. But I have no understanding of my people. I can hear them mocking me already.

Mandatory annual vaccinations ensure that less than 1% of the population die each year from this dreaded disease. My people do not understand how difficult the choices have been over the years. The billions of dollars that our governments have invested into Pharmaceutical R&D to protect them, to ensure the survival of the human race.

I am new in Office. To be honest, it's been nothing but a rotating office door here in the West Wing. No single President has maintained a tenure beyond a single term since ...well since it all started. The people have been too divided on too many issues, including the one which is most pervasive in our present times. This damn virus!

Under POTUS 48 the military became a henchman, singular-minded in pursuit of the rebellion. Like my predecessors, I too am clueless as to what to do to bring my people back together, to reconcile the needs of the many with the few, to protect the rights of all. To bring equality back to the table.

Speaking of that, I have a number of amendments lying patiently in wait on my desk in the Oval. Some will make things worse, some may make things better. Some will bring the rebellion to account, others will free them from their life underground. How do I as one person make that call? So many competing agendas.

All I know is that I am the current captain at the helm, guiding the ship of government, trying to do my best, and unsure in the end if that will be good enough.


I toss and I turn. I cannot sleep. Is it too warm in here? I turn on the fan. Maybe that will cool things down, I think. I glance at my phone. The night-time hours have ticked over into the next morning. It is still dark but global warming means that even the night air in 2035 is now warm in the summer. This is the least of our worries though.

The voices are still loud in my head. Always loud, always keeping me awake. I ponder. When all is said and done, where will I stand on the side of history?

We have all lost so much, whether we choose to admit it or not. Rightly or wrongly, we have been defeated in so many ways: by the virus, by the government, by social stigma and discrimination, by the breakdown of society, the loss of morality, rationality, and community on both sides of the divide. It seems that nobody can agree on the right answer to controlling the virus, and maybe in some ways, that is because, when one truly stands in the shoes of another, each perspective becomes very real, each perspective holds water. We all want the same thing, we just disagree on how to achieve it.

The bigger picture seems to have been lost on so many. The choices made thus far have only succeeded in tearing humanity apart, and for better or worse, depriving individuals of their basic rights of privacy, liberty, and justice for all.

I re-plump my pillows.

So, in the end, who remains Invictus? You? Me? The Government? The virus? Don't we all lose? Are we not all defeated by our failure to come together? By our failure to stand together as "one nation under God"?

How long will it take for us to reconcile, to become one again? How long before the war will end? I don't have the answer to that question, but the eternal optimist in me looks to the Heavens, says a prayer, and trusts that the years will bring healing to old wounds.

I lie down again. Maybe, I think, maybe it is Time that is Invictus? Or maybe what is Invictus is the quinta essentia of Aristotle, the 'invisible light' that guides us back to a perfect state of equilibrium? There is still hope ...

I close my eyes.

...but that is a question for another day.

I do not profess to support any one of the single views provided above and it is not my intention to create discord among my fellow Hivers. If anything, I find some element of truth in all of them, and I guess therein lies the rub. They are all but competing perspectives reimagined in a dystopian world which has become my creative canvas upon which to paint my entry for this week's POB-WOTW "Invictus".

All photos are sourced in CANVA Pro.


@scholaris my entry for this week's POB-WOTW :-)


You're entry is recorded. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I've got a lot going on at the moment so now that the grading is closed it will take me a couple of days to put something out. Apologies for the delay.


Never a need to apologise my friend. Thank you for continuing to make time for us all, in between everything else that you do. Take all the time you need. It is, after all, you and @nonsowrites who are doing us the biggest kindness and service. And your combined commitment to this project should bring you joy, never strife, so however long it takes, is how long it takes 🙏 Just remember the time constraints you apply are of your choosing and you are free to move them to suit your needs 💗 There is nobody in this WOTW community (for I see us as a microcosmic community) who would feel aggrieved by longer gaps in between prompts. This week's word nearly got the better of me ha ha. I knew what I wanted to write about but couldn't get past the outline for days; then I thought no way... I cannot let this word conquer me 😄 After an inspirational chat with a friend, and some WOTW curation, my mind was set right, and I completed my piece. This in itself made me happy - challenge overcome and now Invictus I feel. 💗 !LUV !PIZZA


This is well drafted. At first I was wondering how she made it from hiding to the beach before I realized that it was indeed another person's view. How impressive, you were able to enter the minds of different people who had their own views of how things around them were.

I don't know but I felt a little even if you projected the time to 2035, it felt like we're already in those times, being treathened by a virus that has taken it's toll on humanity and we're face with a few options some of which would decide our place in society.

Would we ever remain Invictus in the end?

Only time Will tell...

Thanks for this amazing read ❤️

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Thanks my friend. I wanted these voices to be heard...as I hear them. I didn't however want to make this about politics or about anyone having to choose a perspective, rather I wanted to show that in my view, there is truth to be found in each and every one of them if we take the time to look and that the focus should be on ensuring that we don't become this projected view of humanity, as otherwise we all lose in some way or another, most of all through loss of society. That we do not become a society torn apart by a failure to communicate, a failure to respect, a failure to understand, but that we come together and try to find a way through that gives credence to everyone's concerns. I hear you though. We are already exhibiting some of these things as evidenced by the media and from various actions being proposed by governments around the world. It is a conundrum for sure.


Sorry for the late reply, I was stuck between getting a few hours of sleep or more engagement here on Hive so I chose the former.

I get what you mean, most times we tend to just see things from our own point of view and make judgements based on that forgetting that it'll affect a lot of other people.

That we do not become a society torn apart by a failure to communicate, a failure to respect, a failure to understand, but that we come together and try to find a way through that gives credence to everyone's concerns. I hear you though. We are already exhibiting some of these things as evidenced by the media and from various actions being proposed by governments around the world. It is a conundrum for sure.

I think if we can come together in one accord and try to listen to one another it'll go a long way in fostering unity and togetherness. But as we all know, it's going to take a lot to finally bring people together. I admire your vision and I hope it is achievable in the future

Happy Sunday @samsmith1971

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Nice write up

WE are no longer "one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". We are a broken society, divided by personal lines drawn in the sand, lines which remain devoid of mutual respect, now forever cemented in history.

Talking about this,it virtually every where bad governance and this is making people surfer from setback on their economy


It is a conundrum indeed. I have no idea exactly what path I would have chosen had I been the one making decisions. I don't wish the enormity of the dilemma on anybody. We can all clamour after "government" but "government" is just a collective term for a group of ordinary human beings, after all. But yes, so much indecision.


Yeah exactly it's just a group of people but not everyone knows that



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... what is Invictus is the quinta essentia of Aristotle, the 'invisible light' that guides us back to a perfect state of equilibrium...

It's 2035 and I'm an old Dawg now, yet still going strong. The events of 2020-2023; the aftermath and cleanup which lasted untl 2030; and the eventual transition away from medical tyranny and 'the great resetting of life' to a state of universal abundance and freedom have been intense years for Hyumis, but that's now been completed!

May we all rest in peace

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I think I prefer this future @flamistan 🙏💗 !LUV thank you for rewriting my imagined dystopia into a future world of reconciliation. You write really well and I loved your entry this week. Good luck with your poem. It was both amusing and definitive. !PIZZA


Your entry post is just as amazing as always.

You did great trying to view things from everyone perspective. It is easier to blame the Government for all our woes, forgetting that they are just ordinary human being just as ourselves.

I pray to God the in the end we all come out invictus.

I toss and I turn. I cannot sleep. Is it too warm in here? I turn on the fan. Maybe that will cool things down, I think. I glance at my phone. The night-time hours have ticked over into the next morning.

When i got to this part, in my head i could imagine the face of the President of the United State Of America.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Thank you @funshee ...lols there were 4 perspectives in this piece. The 1st was unvaccinated by choice, the 2nd vaccinated by choice, the President was 3rd, the 4th was a rounding up of the perspectives - a person lying in bed, restless, trying to sleep, pondering on all that is wrong with the world.


a person lying in bed, restless, trying to sleep, pondering on all that is w

Oh, now i get, i thought that was still the President part

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Easy mistake to make lol ... the division lines between each piece came out rather faint.


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I love your writing Sam. You always bring such meaty posts for us to digest hehehehe but not meaty in a way where we feel "stuffed" but almost like a cow, chewing her cud.

Chewing... ruminating... Digesting. Lol. Loved all of these perspectives...it really is a snapshot of now and a peek into the potential future.

I seriously hope that it doesn't drag on as long as what you proposed hehehehe

Lets hope!

Brilliant post!!!!


Fingers crossed @dreemsteem. And thank you for stopping by and appreciating my article. It almost got the better of me...


This story grabs me on a personal level. When many people have sorrow at the same time, those who did not have sorrow also have sorrow.

No matter which spirit child you count yourself as, we humans are indeed compassionate beings, but we confuse sorrow with compassion.

I think suffering consists of not agreeing with ageing, illness and death. Taking it as a strange insult to life that one actually has to deal with pain and discomfort.
I have come to believe at this time, far more than before, that the greatest suffering is self-made, and neither comes from small or large events or beings on this planet. The earth is not our enemy, it is of course bigger, more incomprehensible and perhaps therefore frightening, as we find it difficult to understand ourselves on it in our physical fleshly form. Similarly, our own bodily cells are unable to "understand" us as a whole human being and yet are intimately connected with us. The constant mistrust that makes our lives difficult has not lessened as a result of recent events. A conflict of lofty proportions. But in every conflict, they say, lies an opportunity, and perhaps that was necessary.

For my part, I have realised once again that I do not want to be hard-headed, as it prevents me from granting my fellow human beings the freedom I claim for myself.
Nevertheless, a clarity is required, an impartiality in a life situation that makes spontaneity difficult and overshadows a walk in public with uncertainties. What I do not tolerate is being approached on this subject in public spaces by complete strangers to me. I am sick of it. I'm probably not alone in this either, because I notice that many are tired of it and don't even want to speak out and address it anymore. I welcome that.

The time for healing can come when it no longer takes on any special significance from the focal point of everyday life. It is not okay for prisoners to blame other fellow prisoners for their situation.

In writing, like you, I find a way of working through. My fingers want to make their journal on all the topics of life.

I have trust that this dystopia will not happen. We humans are smart in addition to our truly remarkable stupidity.


I !LUV that you tell it how it is, no pulled punches but everything delivered with compassion and depth of thought and perception. I'm really glad that I 'ran' into you on this blockchain😊I personally don't think this exact dystopia will happen either, but even if we don't end up with an underground movement of unvaccinated citizens, trying to evade an intolerant government, perhaps the glimpse of how our behaviour towards each other could deteriorate even further and destroy countless relationships, still holds true. I do choose to believe in the overall compassion of human beings and that our light will shine through in the end. !PIZZA for an amazing comment😍🙏
