I Am Alive Challenge Update - And some general stuff

Morning all,

CTP BluePrint

Before I get into my I Am Alive Challenge and Curation Trail updates. I want to highly recommend CTP BluePrint. A new program by a dedicated Click Track Profit members. Check it out :)

Okay, to the Curation Trail. We now have 18 loyal people taking part in the Trail. Fantastic, awesome sauce stuff people. They each will get a 20% upvote from me on their posts and the trail will follow, so up to 19 total votes. And I upvote automatically one post a day. I even may manually upvote more and the trail still follows. Seeing the power in this yet?

Everyone in the I Am alive challenge also gets a 10% upvote from me, automatically again the trail follows and again I sometimes upvote more that one post a day.

My daily shout out to the Trail members.


The I Am Alive Challenge is still going strong. People are posting and joining. Keep up the fantastic work everyone.

Here are the 45 people that have joined so far, not including myself.


So that is a grand total of 46 of us!


Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter

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Traffic Leads 2 Income

Have a great day all.



Great progress with the curation trail Bradley, keep it up.
