I Am Alive Challenge Post #23

Hellow fellow #IAAC members! Happy Monday!


Fishy Has Moved On

While I'm happy to say that I am alive, I can't say the same for my fish. He decided to make it easy on me and passed in my sleep last night. He is circling the big fish bowl in the sky now.

Since he passed I decided to give the tank a good cleaning and got it ready for the next fish. I will probably get another one just like the last one as it is a very pretty fish and does well in a small tank like mine.

Back to Work

Well Monday found me again, and it was back to the 9-5. It wasn't too bad.

I've got a budget problem I'm working on. Two actually, as a recent cost estimate I got was way higher than we budgeted for. I will have to find a way to make some cuts and probably bring some of the work in house.

Stay Safe, Stay Awesome, and Stay Alive

Hope you have a great day. See you all tomorrow!


