... within Heart of a Matrix that looks Infinite ...


How many of you are asking sometimes, if we are all alone inside this Infinite Matrix, or there's also some other millions of tribal entities, much more advanced than this place named Earth/Heart?

I've though that today, it would be an awesome moment to create again a #sketch of a future #nft ...

Therefore, when i have an idea, i just don't think to much and i am just letting the muse whispeing to my mind the inspiration and ... voila ...

Earth within Heart of a Matrix that looks Infinite ...


I think that soon will be an inevitable moment, when we'll meet so many other civilizations from another galaxies ... and maybe through the programming of #starwars movie and many others, maybe the shock won't be so crazy ...

Maybe some tribal entities from other galaxies will look like this ...


I hope you'll enjoy my #artworks ...

We'll realize soon how this entire Cosmos was created ... or maybe first each soul must into the Light and then, through the Enlightenment the truth will be shown to everyone prepared for it ...

These were some random and quick thoughts ...

Hope you all are ok ...

Feel free and enjoy some of my music as well ...


Ciao a tutti
