[ENG-ESP] When Did you Became An Adult? // ¿Cuándo te convirtiste en un adulto?



Hello and welcome to my blog, this is @daniky. This is the day 19 of the part 4 of my entry to the 30-day blogging challenge, an initiative of the #bloggingchallenge community. Kindly follow me as i reveal to you when i became an Adult.

Hola y bienvenido a mi blog, este es @daniky. Este es el día 19 de la Parte 4 de mi entrada al desafío de blogs de 30 días, una iniciativa de la comunidad #bloggingchallenge. Por favor, sígueme como te revelo cuando me convertí en un adulto.


From this part of the world in Africa, a person is known to be a fully grown Adulthood from the age of 18+, below that, you're still considered a child. So, For me, I became an Adult over a decade and few years ago. The moment of my childhood to my Adulthood was really a challenging and awesome moment for me.

De esta parte del mundo en África, se sabe que una persona es una adultez completamente crecida a partir de los mayores de 18 años, por debajo de eso, todavía se le considera un niño. Entonces, para mí, me convertí en un adulto durante una década y hace unos años. El momento de mi infancia a mi adulta fue realmente un momento desafiante y impresionante para mí.

I never felt like an Adult while i was 18 years of age because i was still under the roof of my parent, despite the fact i was working immediately after my high school education. I became independent at age 20 when i rented a room self-contained apartment for myself. By then i now felt like an adult and decided to go for my degree course of study at the University. Ever since then, Adulthood became more easier for me due to the challenges i went through to make me stronger than ever.

Nunca me sentí como un adulto cuando tenía 18 años porque todavía estaba bajo el techo de mis padres, a pesar de que estaba trabajando inmediatamente después de mi educación secundaria. Me independicé a los 20 años cuando alquilé un apartamento independiente de una habitación para mí. Para entonces ya me sentía como un adulto y decidí hacer mi carrera en la Universidad. Desde entonces, la adultez se volvió más fácil para mí debido a los desafíos por los que pasé para hacerme más fuerte que nunca.

I hope you can now know when i fully became an Adult and part of my journey so far in Adulthood.

Espero que ahora sepan cuándo me convertí por completo en adulto y como parte de mi viaje hasta ahora en la adultez.

I will like to appreciate to the #blogging challenge team (@cwow2, @tripode and @starstrings01) for this wonderful initiative and secondly I'll like to use this medium to invite Interested #hiveans to this #bloggingchallenge. So join the revolution and earn daily rewards. Thank you.

Me gustaría concluir esta sección del desafío de blogs de 30 días presentando mi agradecimiento al equipo del desafío de #blogging (@ cwow2, @tripode y @ starstrings01) por esta maravillosa iniciativa y, en segundo lugar, me gustaría utilice este medio para invitar a #hiveans interesados a este #bloggingchallenge. Así que únete a la revolución y gana recompensas diarias. Gracias.

Below is the link to my previous posts to know more me on my part #bloggingchallenge

My Previous Days
  1. Explain your Blog Name
  2. 20 Facts about You
  3. Your Favorite quote
  4. Your Dream Job
  5. Your proudest Moment
  6. What are you Afraid of?
  7. Your Five Favorite songs
  8. Five Current Goals
  9. Best Trip of your Life
  10. Ten Favorite Foods
  11. Your Favorite Childhood book
  12. 3 Healthy habits
  13. Where will you be in 5 years
  14. Thought on Education
  15. Your Favorite Movie
  16. What makes you Happy?
  17. What makes you sad?
  18. If you won the Lottery
  19. A Confession/una confession
  20. Earliest Childhood Memory
  21. Guilty pleasure
  22. 3 Personality traits you're proud of
  23. Piercing/Tattoo
  24. First Nollywood Crush
  25. Your Spirit Animal
  26. pet peeves
  27. A difficult time in your life
  28. What makes you feel better
  29. What makes you feels better
  30. Your hopes for your blog

Thank you for your time and as well, don't forget to upvote my post. Your reblog, comment and follow up will be well appreciated.


Gif credited to @doze

One Love from @daniky
