What's Your Spirit Animal - Blogging Challenge Day 25


It is the day 25. I have accomplished 24 days. Wow, this is a great achievement for me. Topic today is what is your spirit animal?

Animal has some spirit like hunger, sexual desires and beast. What is the spirit animal that I have?

I feel that I am defensive. I often stay calm in a conversation. I listen carefully to our partners. I use my defensive instinct to digest every word in the conversation. When the partners try to mock me with the words I give feed back to defend the words.

I think it is not good if every time I am too defensive. That is why I realize the weakness. I still need the defensive spirit in my personality but I should manage well. I want to make people feel comfortable talking with me.

I always learn my mistakes in communication because of defensive state of mind. I try to change how to answer and comment to my speaking partners so though I do not agree to their opinions, I will not look defensive. I know that my defensive words sometimes become offensive to others.

Learning better communication will make me feel better when I get along with my friends. I now can make fun and easy conversation without being pressed by defensive feeling.

That is my spirit animal. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy my post and don't forget to follow me @lebah because I will follow you back!

