Crypto DIPs are creating growth opportunities on HIVE and beyond

I watched yesterday "The CryptoManiacs Podcast" streaming done by @jongolson and @taskmaster4450 and something stick with me from this show - real winners and the gainers in the crypto are those that are showing up and coming back not only when the crypto markets are on high horses, but also when they come down crashing. And what happens in such moments due to less people coming back is that you are gaining a bigger percentage from the rewards pool. This is applicable on Hive, but also on other platforms like or so and also in different crypto investment ecosystems.


Let's just think that the rewards pool is the same day after day and if fewer players are active within the ecosystem those will get bigger rewards from bigger votes. Thus, this creates an opportunity to get a bigger piece of the pie when everybody motivation goes down. Thus all we need to do in order to benefit from that is to show up, be consistent and continue our path within specific crypto ecosystems.


Another thing that happens is that through constancy we are building up a brand, we are strengthen the relations in specific ecosystems and simply expanding our "business" and/or goals. Being present day after day for sure will draw attention on our content and new things and opportunities can come up from the community members. Not only that but some (like myself as it happened just by writing something about my work) might find new job opportunities or gigs.


Another layer on top of the above is that being present we always are fresh with the news and what happens in the space. And with that we might be early adopters in premising projects, we might be part of airdrops or other forms of support and participation. And that will reward us plenty afterwards, just we don't need to think win fast, but rather take the seed, plant it and let it grow.

With so many reasons to be here on HIVE and in crypto space in general, I hope to be consistent in content creation and expand my crypto presence. I don't look at the price (even if DIPs create BUY/SELL opportunities as it did now with gains back of even 30%-50%), but my goal is to accumulate and pile up my cryptocurrencies. I've considered this year ATH for my assets and considered that if I get x5 in numbers, I might make it significantly from financial point of view. That's my goal and I will root to it with all my energy and spare time that I have, wish you great goals and to reach them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
