The ultimate Rug pull


Now I'm not accusing anybody of anything or claiming I have any information about any of the individuals I mentioned in this article. Think of it as a random thought that's based on recent happenings in the market.

By market I'm talking about the cryptocurrency market and by recent happenings, I'm referring to both situations with Vitalik and of course Elon. Both of these individuals are pretty important characters in their own right and need no introduction around this neck of the woods.

Their recent moves that have influenced the crypto market, though not monumentally, in the general scheme of things, sort of makes me ponder on how solid this market actually is.

For what it's worth, I've not lost faith in the movement and it has always been about taking back some level of control from the government, rather solely just scalping for profit. However, I like scalpers and always wished I had the balls to do it, so no harm done by you guys.

As I said earlier, both Elon and Vitalik performed actions that affected the market. It wasn't a cataclysmic event and on the surface, there's no cause to panic but sometimes I wonder if individuals having that sort of power is good for the game.

I mean, you might say that Bitcoin only dropped by a few thousands and Eth a few hundreds, but if you look at it solely based on these numbers, you've missed the plot or you're probably a scalper and don't care about the plot in the first place.

Risky Risk

I've always known the risks involved in participating in this exceptionally volatile bubble of an industry we find ourselves in. Perhaps super powerful individuals capable of swinging billions of dollars through tweets or pull outs is now the biggest threat we're facing.

I feel like as these blockchains evolve, we should be developing mechanisms that insulate ourselves from this event. If something isn't done fast, cryptocurrencies will simply turn into the confuckulated mess that is fiat, and in the process, invariably mean that the entire experiment was a failure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


They are just puppets, the real manipulators are far bigger than clowns like elon

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I think you're probably right. There's definitely bigger players involved


Things are a bit in Bubbly territory to start as if the market was looking for any excuse for a needed correction. I came with both barrels, Boom! Boom! I think life can continue on, certainly for Dogecoin.

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