CUB/USD possible breakout ⏳



Cub before a possible breakout

The chart picture in Cub/USD is coming to a head and a breakout is in the air. The price plunge of the last weeks has been stopped at the 50¢ zone and now we are slightly above this zone.

Can the bulls use the wedge🐂🤔.

A breakout is probably likely but which direction it will be unfortunately not. So it remains only to wait for which side will win the battle.

  • positive: Someone prevents a fall below the 50¢ zone and acts as a buyer

  • negative: we are in a downward trend

Of course, it also plays a big role what the overall market does and there is the bitcoin to consider.

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Cub vor einem möglichen Ausbruch

Das Chartbild im Cub/USD spitzt sich zu und ein Ausbruch liegt in der Luft. Der Preissturz der letzten Wochen ist bei der 50¢ Zone gestoppt worden und jetzt befinden wir uns etwas oberhalb dieser Zone.

Können die Bullen den Keil nutzen🐂🤔

Ein Ausbruch ist wohl wahrscheinlich aber welche Richtung es sein wird leider nicht. Es bleibt also nur darauf zu warten welche Seite den Kampf gewinnen wird.

  • positiv: Jemand verhindert ein unterschreiten der 50¢ Zone und tritt als Käufer auf

  • negativ: Wir befinden uns in einem Abwärtstrend

Es spielt natürlich auch eine große Rolle was der Gesamtmarkt macht und da ist der Bitcoin zu beachten.

Source/Quelle Charts: (Guidants/Godmode Trader) & JFD Broker & Binance

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Gehandelt werden meist KO-Scheine, Futures und Aktien, günstige Broker habe ich hier mal verlinkt.

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Deutscher Broker für Aktien und Derivate.
Trade Republic:

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We need more use cases for CUBs.

Posted via


There will probably be a lot of tokens disappearing from the market but Hive/Leo/Cub are all projects run by very smart people. I just read an article in the newspaper about Defi and the future of banks. It all takes time and once the projects reach the mainstream, then 🌋.


Hive has 11 exchanges with over 100k in trading volume the past 24hrs but 57% of total todays trading volume was on UpBit (as usual against the KRW) or $10.5 million CAD worth .

Hive has many use cases but CUB needs it's own use cases. Right now in the beginning this DeFi engine has been built and it is still working, although we need more reasons for users to buy and spend CUB. Increasing demand for CUB tokens will be key to it's success.

There has been $430m in volume trading today in WBNB in pancakeswap. Our main CUB/WBNB pool is but has just $0.65 US volume today. We are just in the early phases of this project still so more volume is needed, however at the same time it doesn't need to be the biggest to succeed.

I feel like slower organic growth is better, as the community grows and new LeoFinance users learn how to acquire CUB and pool their funds, the entire project will hopefully rise with the tide.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for this analysis, I don't know the CUB token well, I need to inform myself better
