The only risk of Bitcoin is here


Hello everyone, I love the spirit of blockchain: decentralization, timestamps and immutability. The following articles are for personal opinion only, for spot operations only, and invest at your own risk.

It is enough to avoid the top and the bottom and pay attention to the cognitive realizations of the blockchain

Note: Currency circles are in the same rising and falling mode. 99% of the time, most of the value or mainstream currencies are connected to Bitcoin. Within 1% of the time, individual altcoins or major currencies may have hot speculation. Semaphores attract the attention of small eyeballs, so analyze Bitcoin and understand that most other currencies follow the link! I hope other currencies have no analytical significance.

Cognitive monetization is published between 8 and 10 each night. Everyday accurate analysis. If the assessment is inaccurate, the article can be updated by 4pm. If nothing changes, it means the Market is wrong, and may stop on Saturdays and Sundays. If the market trend is critical. If there is no market, the weekend is just for rest. Please Know.

Today's details:

Bitcoin's real-time price is 29,263 US dollars. Overall, this continues yesterday's assessment and opinion. Don't try to guess the peak of Bitcoin. The peak of Bitcoin may be 30,000 or 50,000. These are short and medium term risk releases. Nobody knows what its initial price will be, so if players who have short positions early have to wait for the risk to be released and participate, it is not advisable to discard if they are still holding them, because under the fundamentals of the extremely strong Bitcoin trend, are those who are in car or not in the car, unity has only one action: don't move.

Today, I'm going to talk about the factors that lead to Bitcoin's potential downturn. The first is what the new SEC leadership team will do with cryptocurrency after the US power transfer of around 1.20! The second category is the correction of technical indicators such as MACD, RSI and KDJ, which can happen at any time! It's normal! The third category is a large number of reduction operations by large institutional investors! The third category is unpredictable, but the first two are potential risk points that can occur any time in January! So, avoid it!

Currently, Bitcoin is still maintaining its upward trend above its 5-day moving average. This turbulent rising speed didn't change at all. According to the news on January 1, data analyst Coin98 Analytics today pointed out that December 2020 Grayscale (Grayscale) The number of bitcoins bought was almost three times the number of bitcoins that joined the market that month. This has led to large-scale investors in currency and investment value, market circulation has continued to decline, directly causing currency prices will not fall further, this was also said a few days ago, large-scale households were not destroyed, currency prices did not fall ! The institutions in the market are basically valuable investors. Even though Bitcoin is currently approaching 30,000 points, the cryptocurrency field is still experiencing a huge depression in value, and the potential for future growth is still enormous! Now the organization will buy the item in your hand, and then run it! When circulation continues to decline and chips in the hands of retail investors are ignored, Bitcoin will enter a period of stability similar to gold, and volatility will decrease! At that time, Bitcoin will truly become a safe store of value and asset. This may have happened in recent years, and you should refer to it accordingly. This is a common trend! Bitcoin will truly be a safe store of value and asset. This may have happened in recent years, and you should refer to it accordingly. This is a common trend! Bitcoin will truly be a safe store of value and asset. This may have happened in recent years, and you should refer to it accordingly. This is a common trend!

Therefore, even though Bitcoin has the risk of peaking in the short term, it is not advisable for anyone to participate in shorting, because your short-selling trend is inherently wrong, and adding leverage equals wrong plus wrong, so keep bullish above 28300-27000 , and Ethereum will go up, Because the highest Ethereum exchange rate to Bitcoin is 0.2! Therefore, Ethereum's long-term value is still low, but Ethereum development should only occur after Bitcoin is abolished. After the short term 700-750 shock is over, we will continue to look up instead of looking down. Goals 800! Opinions above are for reference only and not as a basis for trading The currency market is risky and trading needs to be cautious.
