RE: Forking It to D-ETH


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I think the only thing that keeps Ethereum going is that it’s so popular and has transaction fees. The people who mine the blocks are taking that all to the bank and have no intention of making it far better I think. They say they want to but I doubt it lol.

The fragmentation of the chain into a million different economies is tough, it’s just splitting things so much it’s difficult to do much. I hold Ethereum but I don’t touch it for fear of the crazy fees and not wanting to lose anything to stupidity lol


I never thought of that one but it makes sense, I wonder how the network fairs when they move over to proof of stake i Assume all the miners have already stacked their nodes with ETH so they can collect fees in the same way!

I’m not really holding my breathe that it changes the fees structure that much if it did people would leave and make it even more centralized than it already is

I also wonder if ETH classic won’t get a boost as others switch back to it since it’s still proof of work

I tried using the side chains and setting it up with meta mask but it’s a nightmare I’m not keen on, even lightning is easier and lightning is a pain lol

I still have my eth collecting me interest wouldn’t move it unless I absolutely have to

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