Why won't the SEC leave XRP alone




First the SEC said that XRP is making a security and forging notes into the market...now they are pissed cause XRP is talking about them.

Talk about school yard beef...

I've never seen a cooperation act like a teenager girls like this before (not like there is anything wrong with teenage girls #equalrightsforallnottobeoffended).

They're bitching that they might not get employees if XRP trashes them on social media...wait till they find out what I have to say.


To say the truth I think people take social media too serious and that's the problem.

The SEC knows that people who read this shit can be influenced by it. So they are scared cause of XRP's statement.

The way I would react to it if I was the SEC is the way comedians react to cancel culture and let it go. But yeah they want to win their case by all means so... they are bitching...

William or whatever his name is was supposed to testify in court and the SEC is biting its nails so they don't get exposed...talking about how they don't want him to spoil their government's operations.

The SEC is trying to prevent Willians (their finance Director) from being brought in the court case so upcoming Directors don't get scared too.

Now let's say this is true...XRP has had to pay a lot because of this court case...I think it's fair that the SEC and the American government pay for their actions...

I'm all about equal right here.

But that's the thing...The court is more likely to favor the SEC's request than Ripples because...the Court if I'm not mistaken is part of the government.

This is why decentralized bodies are better...There are no votes to protect anybody or body. Just majority votes...

That might also lead to average results though...but this is a case where judgment should have been taken by the majority of those involved with this case.

Now I don't own XRP...I feel they are only saying the truth when they say it s a commodity just like BTC and ETH.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


First Time i heard about this


The case has been on since December.
