RE: Do Not Buy Into Inflationism


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Well now we entered into a different discuss. You just went from inflation to the fate of society.

Actually what you spell out is plausible. In fact, that is the plan they are looking to enact. They showed their hand, whether out of arrogance or oversight, it is out there.

However, I disagree that will take place because the plan will fail. We are already seeing it. The entire COVID situation was meant to further enhance their tyranny. While their power base appears to have grown, it is being challenge. The vaccine thing is being rejected by large groups of people around the world. They are not having to offer lotteries to try and incentivize people to get a shot.

One of their big players, Bill Gates is starting to be attacked. Even the mainstream media, which is a part of the plot, is having to turn on him. At the same time Klaus Schwab is encountering resistance with his Great Reset that is taking place.

The other obstacle they have which they are not likely to overcome is the China situation. One of their main weapons is global warming and the idea that only a centralized, global government can fix this problem. Where they run into a problem is China is not playing along. They could give a crap. They are doing what is in their best interest which means getting as much energy as they can. They are building more coal plants than the rest of the world combined and showing no signs of slowing down. To become the largest economy, which they will probably do for a while, they will have to produce a lot of cheap energy. They know this.

Long before we get to the point where the full control apparatus is in place, they will face massive civil unrest. This is going to be much different than in the past when information was scarce and the financial resources were fully in their control. Each step down decentralized road makes their challenge a bit more difficult.

In the end, communistic/marxist systems never work.

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