RE: Steem is a scam and the fact that they broke people wallet and stole the funds is unacceptable


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During the town hall I actually had my time to speak interrupted by Justin sun which I was more than happy to back up and hear his words.

Let's circle back to that and make win-win situation for Justin's son and his people while making sure to totally screw over a community.

Let us circle back to the win-win situation where special preferential treatment is given. And the entire order is upset and changed just for one person's whims.

And thankfully we had two options one was continuing negotiations which were going nowhere and number two was the greatest minds that our blockchain had figured out the fork and complete change. Which actually rewarded people and supported the community as we migrated along.

A lot of smart people warned Justin.

I even tried to listen to him but if you are a scam artist that's all you are.

Justin if you ever read this which I bet you you probably really do read all these comments...

You suck. You totally suck big huge donkey testicles.
