Crypto Is Inevitable


The more I try to educate normies, the more obvious it becomes.

And the more I realize that I only like hanging around with crypto people. It may sound far-fetched, but I'm really getting tired of people not being able to see the true potential of the crypto space. Let it be clear, it's not just about the money. Sure, huge profits are good and all, but the fact that we are presented with the opportunity to finally rid ourselves of the corrupt banking system that is responsible for pretty much everything wrong in the world today is hugely underrated. We should be talking a lot more about that.

Every argument against crypto can be used to bash those worthless banknotes with imaginary value and the corrupt entities in control of this joke. But how do you regulate crypto? Guess what, you don't have to. Why do people even think that having central authorities in control of our means of payment is a good thing? I really fail to understand that. Sometimes I think people are scared of true freedom. It's like they can't handle the responsibility that comes with it.

That's what happens.jpg

That's exactly what happens when you have all those greedy gigachads running the economy, printing money out of thin air uncontrollably and never having to explain a thing to anyone. This is the price you have to pay for handing them control of your means of payment and refusing to switch to peer-to-peer alternatives. This is also what happens when you measure your holdings' worth in terms of fiat money. That's the root cause of the problem. The market is not being manipulated due to the behaviour of some gigachad with tons of monopoly money.

Tackling the root causes.

The real problem is fiat money, and we need to stop this madness. As soon as we find a way to get around this problem, we will be set free once and for all, and it all starts with you and me refusing to measure the worth of our holdings by fiat money value. It's a long process, but I am sure we will get there eventually. Fixed crypto prices in exchange for goods and services is the solution to this problem, and when that day comes, market manipulation is going to be a thing of the past.

I mean we all pretend that we don't care about those rigged financial institutions and their useless paper notes, but at the same time we get mad when our holdings translate into smaller amounts of said bills. That's an oxymoron, isn't it? Even us, crypto anarchists, seem to care a lot about their product. I think we need to step up to the challenge and try to set an example here. How do we expect the world to stop caring about fiat money when in reality even those of us involved in the game since the early days still do?


And that's how you get clowns like this one in control of people's emotions and behaviour. Most people out there are absolutely clueless when it comes to the crypto game and the ways in which it is destined to reshape our world for the better, but how could they not be? Even crypto folks don't seem to realize that they care way too much about fiat valuations. You would expect people like that to understand that there is a fault in the structure of the problem, yet most don't.

I'm okay with that.

This is why I am very optimistic about the future of the space, and also why I do not even bother going into detail and explaining to non-crypto folks even the basics anymore. All this madness goes to show that it's still early in the game, so I have decided to just sit back, be patient and enjoy the show. There is a lot of work to be done, but I'm positive that we will get there in the end. The internet has already taken over our lives, so I really don't see how the crypto game could ever be stopped.

Banks will keep screwing us over, puppet governments will keep starting wars in order to pay off debt created out of thin air, and ordinary people will keep struggling to gather more useless paper notes in order to cover their basic needs. It's a vicious circle humanity won't be able to get out of unless we all realize that this joke of a banking system needs to be abandoned and placed in a museum for the future generations to know what to avoid getting involved in. It's going to be a long process, but I'm sure we'll get there.

I appreciate your attention.

Alright guys, that's it for now. Thank you for taking the time to read these lines.

Just my two cents. This is by no means financial advice. Just sharing my personal views and experiences. Please do not take my word for your investment choices, and always do your own research.

Stay safe and have a good one,

Image Sources: 1, 2

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you for sharing,

actually your points is really clear and it made sense.
Let's just imagine a state where there no government or bank to monopolies the movement of money. I think the world economy won't be as bad as it is now.

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