Win-Win is something impossible in the crypto markets?


In conventional real-world business, there is a lot of talk about something known as the win-win relationship, which is nothing more than the fact that in an economic transaction, all parties involved must win.

But does this happen in the markets?

The reality of the matter is that what applies to real world conventional businesses (buying houses, vehicles, various properties), does not apply at all to the financial markets, because when we trade commodities, currencies, stocks, cryptos and others, it happens something totally different.

Because certainly when we buy a house or a car or any property in the real world, the selling party gets a monetary benefit and the buying party gets a tangible good, but in the markets, both parties are not necessarily winning, and in fact, in financial markets, there will almost always be a winner and a loser.

This may sound very ugly to say, but it is the reality, because the financial markets do not have the capacity to generate money from nowhere, instead the money that those who win operations obtain, is the money that those who lose operations have lost, that simple.


There are no mysteries about this, therefore, if you bought Ethereum (speaking of the crypto market), and by selling it, you made a profit, it happens that the money you earned, comes from somewhere in the market, or said in a way More clearly, it comes from losing trades by other people who missed the market.


So win-win is not a relationship that occurs in the financial or cryptographic markets, but rather, in those cases, the "every man for himself" relationship applies, because the markets are wild, erratic, ruthless, and have no compassion for anyone, but it is precisely because of these characteristics that they have so much inherent potential to generate wealth.

Therefore, a well-prepared trader (in every way he or she can be) can wring huge profits from the markets by trading it. And said trader is not stealing from anyone, because he is not doing it, nor is it that the markets are unfair, because in reality they are neutral; but that is the nature of the markets and that must be understood very well.

Therefore, I repeat, as unfair as they may seem, the markets are neutral, so the results we obtain in them will depend directly on what we do or do not do in them. The win-win relationship certainly does not exist in the stock and crypto markets, but it is a reality that if we are smart and diligent, we can make huge profits in them.
