Helping a Friend taking his First Steps In Cryptocurrency




Yesterday I talked about the crypto skeptics of the world and how they yell scam at every turning point of crypto and blockchain no matter what evidence hits their face. But the world is not filled with just these negative thinkers. Sometimes someone with a healthy amount of skepticism is confronted with new information and then forms a logical opinion. Some of my friends are doing just that as a matter of fact. This morning I helped one of my friends make his first cryptocurrency purchase. He decided to buy about $100 of Litecoin, dipping his toes in the water for the first time.

This particular friend was asking questions for a while now, and luckily he was asking the right person, me. With all of the knowledge I have on the topic I first helped him understand blockchain itself and advised him on what parts of the subject matter he should research. The research he did all by himself, discovering new things in the process, and anything that was unclear, was directed towards me as questions, which I gladly answered. He was a bit skeptical at first, because of all the mixed messages in a technologically underdeveloped country about bitcoin being a scam or some kind of MLM. And that is okay. That is how it should be. Those who don't question everything are exactly the people that get scammed eventually. Inquiring about something you know little about is the way to go, and once you have gathered information, you can draw certain conclusions. This is the scientific way. But also a very logical way of approaching new concepts.

The friend I speak of is now going to start trading and testing out the different mechanisms. Eventually I will introduce him to Hive as well. Whether he's the blogging type or not will be the question.


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Great of you to open up your friend to the crypto verse. I believe you just planted a great seed In him.

My ex happened to have played a great part in me been here today. I'm grateful to her for that has it has helped me a lot.

You will be doing well to introduce your friend to hive. Not a blogger myself. I hope he sees the gold mine hidden here

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I guess your ex had a good purpose in your life and served it well.
Wasn't a blogger myself either, I never really wrote so much until now. Funny how you discover that kind of stuff here.


Yeah I Believe her's was for a time such as this. Same here. Also Funny how been here improves ones writing skills and interaction with people

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