In the first quarter of the year, inflows to cryptocurrency funds broke an all-time record with $ 4.5 billion


According to data published by Coinshares, entry into cryptocurrency funds in the first quarter of the year reached a record level with $ 4.5 billion. In the last quarter of last year, the entrance to cryptocurrency funds was $ 3.9 billion.


When we analyze the data, it is seen that corporate and individual investments have increased in the first quarter of this year. The most investment was made in Bitcoin (BTC) with $ 3.5 billion. An investment of 765 million dollars was made in ETH.

Cryptocurrency market cap peaked at $ 2 trillion on Monday. Bitcoin's market cap is more than $ 1 trillion and ETH's market cap is more than $ 225 billion.

It seems that institutional and individual investments are increasing day by day in the cryptocurrency market, which gives the markets a positive atmosphere. If there is no negative situation, as long as investments increase, cryptocurrencies with strong infrastructure will continue to increase and the cryptocurrency market will become more powerful. I think bigger investments will come at the end of this year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
